I'm breaking in

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You wake up cold. Freezing cold. You look around confused, trying to regain your bearings and are surprised to see Wanda sitting in the chair next to your bed. Her green eyes wide, as if she didn't expect you to wake up.

"Oh! Erm- Hi Y/n. Let me go get Natasha-" she starts to get up.

"Wait!" You stop her. "Can you grab a blanket I'm fucking freezing." you say as you try to pull the thin hospital blanket higher over you.

Wanda stops dead in her tracks, eyes going even wider, and she nods frantically and begins rummaging around the room in search of a better blanket. Suddenly she stands up straight and waves her hand, red magic dancing around her fingers. You watch her curiously. A few seconds later a big duvet comes flying into the room, surrounded by the same red magic coming from Wanda's hands. She grabs the big blanket from the air and walks quickly back towards you.

"Here you go." she says looking quite proud of herself. She gently starts to put it over you. It smells like cinnamon and oranges.

You can't help a gentle chuckle. "Thank you Wanda." you offer her a big smile. "Will someone be missing this?" you ask after a second.

She blushes and looks down. "Well-uh- not really. It's from my room but I don't use the bed much." she says and starts playing with her hands, sitting back down in the chair next to you.

You frown as you take in her features. She wears a sad expression, her eyes dull surrounded by dark circles, her brow constantly furrowed and the corners of her mouth pulled into a small frown, almost like a pout.

"Well, either way, that was a very nice thing for you to do." You say, still watching her carefully. She looks up at you and smiles at that. "Where's Nat?" you ask after a moment.

"Oh! She is with Tony and Bruce, they are bringing something down to help heal you." She says while nodding. You open your mouth to respond, but Nat walks in followed by Bruce and Tony who are pushing a big coffin-looking machine.

"Hey" Nat says, visibly brightening when she saw you were awake. She looks at the duvet that's not on you, and raises her eyebrow quizzically.

You shrug, wincing at the pain the movement caused. "I was cold." you say in response. Nat hmms and nods.

"Hey kids, I brought us something to play with." Tony smirks, gesturing to the machine. Bruce waves shyly as he stands awkwardly next to it. You smile.

"It's something I helped develop last year. It basically makes skin to help heal wounds." Bruce says as he sees your look of confusion.

"Sounds terrifying, I think I'll pass." you say immediately, shaking your head. You do not trust that anything so advanced was even possible.

Nat sits down next to you and puts her hand on your arm, stroking soothing circles onto your skin with her thumb. "It's safe I promise. Clint's used it before and he's perfectly fine." she says comfortingly. You think for a moment. Clint was the only Avenger you had actually met before, and you liked him a lot. It made you happy knowing Nat had someone else she could completely trust.

You look at Wanda, who's watching you carefully. She offers you a shy smile as if she senses your apprehension.

You sigh. "Okay fine let's try it."

Nat smiles and leans in to kiss your temple. "You're amazing." she says gently.

You smile and squeeze her hand. You look over at Tony and Bruce. "Okay how does this work?" They look at eachother excitedly. Bruce starts to set up the machine.

"So first things first- we have to get you onto the cradle. Maybe Nat can carry you since it might not be the best idea for you to walk." Tony says as he looks at Natasha.

You furrow your brow. This was going to hurt. A lot.

Wanda suddenly stands up, looking between you, Nat and Tony. "What if I lift her? With my powers? So she doesn't... move... as much..." She exclaims. Her voice slowly getting quieter the more she talks, looking at Natasha with uncertainty.

You nod. "That might work." You squeeze Nats hand again, stroking her knuckles with your thumb. She relaxes and nods towards Wanda.

Now Wanda looks very nervous, which makes you nervous. "You've done this before right? You're not gonna drop me?" you say with a nervous laugh, trying not to freak her out. Wanda nods very slowly, her hands trembling slightly. She does not laugh.

"Hey kid, don't worry you've got this. I've seen you take out an army of robots." Tony says, putting a hand on her shoulder.

Wanda nods again as the red magic comes back to her fingers. You see it start to wash over you, pulling the blankets down to your feet. Oh thank god someone dressed me. You think as you feel yourself get gently lifted off the bed. The sudden movement caused some pain to return to your chest, but it was nowhere near as bad as you expected. Wanda very carefully floats you to the table, and gently sets you down.

"Wow! Nice. Thanks Wanda." You say as you try and shift to make yourself more comfortable on the table. It's like lying on the floor, so you give up after a few seconds. You look over at Wanda and she's smiling to herself, shyly tucking her long hair behind her ears.

As Tony and Bruce start to set up the machine, the table starts to make a whirring sound as it lights up. A dome of blue light appears and engulfs your chest and abdomen. You squirm nervously, looking around for Nat.

Nat sees your nerves and stops talking to Wanda to come over to you. She pulls up a chair and sits right next to your head. Her face directly over yours. She starts gently stroking your face.

You wince and groan in pain as Tony starts to peel off the bandages covering your chest. Nat grabs your hand and squeezes as tears prick at the corners of your eyes. You look down and get a look at your battered chest for the first time. You have a long surgical wound that runs down the center of your chest, ending just below your sternum. You have a large stab wound just below your collarbone and one at the bottom of your left rib cage that looks more like a slash wound. There are dark purple bruises that cover the whole left side of your chest. You can't even guess how many stitches are holding them all together. You grimace and look at Nat, she looks like she's about to cry.

"Sorry, this next part won't hurt at all. It might take a couple hours because it has to heal the inside of your chest as well as your wounds on the outside. Your skin and internal organs will be as good as new, but unfortunately it won't be able to heal your broken ribs. But I think it'll be better than nothing. We'll be back to check on you soon." Tony says as he pushes a final button, and leaves with Bruce and Wanda.

You smile as they leave, and then rest your head against Nat's chest. You can feel a slight fluttering inside your chest, but no pain, just like Tony said.

"So after this do I get to go home?" You ask Nat after you adjust to the sensation.

You feel Nat frown, and she doesn't answer. "Nat?" you ask again, trying to turn to see her face.

She sighs. "I think you should stay here for a while, until you're completely healed. Besides, they won't be expecting you back at work for at least a few months." she hums, then leans down to press a kiss to your lips. "Plus we can finally spend some time together." you feel her smile against you.

You smile. "That sounds amazing." you say, you know she's just being protective, but she does have a point. So you don't push her.

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