Scam- I

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"why do you try so hard to be with me? Can you see I'm the one ruining your future!" I said to her putting both hand covered with blood on the top of my head

"Then let me ask you this...." She stand infront of me preventing herself from tearing up "why do you try so hard just to get rid of me?" She said, she have a bag pack full of clothes, then at that moment, the memories came rushing back to me

My name is YuYan, I am a role model in our school nobody talks to me and nobody bullies me, even though I'm still quite nerdy no one dares to touch me because I'm so called 'teachers pet'
I'm just your typical protagonist, who is poor and making money for a living since my mom leave us because my dad gambles and looses money too much, but I live alone, separated my life since all my money was also robbed by my dad, Mrs. Ella, my teacher has been taking care of me since then, oh and I haven't introduce what is my job well


yes you heard it right, I entered the industry when my dad left me with nothing, not even a single cent but Ella laoshi know nothing about it, I am currently saving money worth 90million Chinese yuan for me to afford my college tuitions and I am now on my 40million, thanks to those people who is stupid enough to be scammed, I know what I'm doing is wrong but with those 90million yuan I'll be able to got to college, pay for my daily expenses, find love, and build my own family in the future, it's even enough for me to build a small business once I finish college "are you sure you don't want to join my club?" Ella laoshi is still pestering me to join her club that talks about society issue "Laoshi I'm not interested in any club right now, I need to focus on my studies" I said to her and walk to exit the faculty room "just think about it okay?" I nodded at her, why would I join her a single member club, I heard that only one take interest at that club but I haven't seen who it might be maybe some weirdo nerd who is into politics and stuffs

I just seated at my regular table near the windows when I saw a girl outside playing soccer with the other girls, I'm not gonna lie she's my type, kind, stylish but a bit boyish, though she's not that smart not gonna complain nevertheless, but we are in different page. She knows how to socialize and make friends, in short she's living the life I wanted to have "oh my gosh, I can't believe I got scammed" my thoughts got snap when my classmate Zeng Keni shouted and repeatedly tapping her phone, she's the class bitch here and her girlfriends is kind of a jerk too "ughh babe I told you to stop doing that side hassle it's totally burning our money" Sunrui wrap her arms around Keni's waist "don't complain, the money I earned here is what I use to buy your things" she rolled her eyes and walk out of the class, although I'm just a middle-man in the scamming job I have, I can't help myself but be nervous, I still own the app that scams people, I only pay 30% to my workers who I never met before, kind of skeptical but hey, I earn 70% which is equivalent to 450,00 yuan a month without working and just facilitating it

"Okay class dismissed" I got up and going to my usual business when Ella laoshi stopped me before I could even land a foot outside the classroom "Yuyan just come check my club, I'll call the other member to meet you okay?" "but Ella laoshi I  have nothing to do with it" " ugh Yanzi don't be a boomer" she said dragging me to her clubroom, well isn't it my lucky day, I looked at my phone 3:45 pm I sighed and sit at the sofa inside the room, and there's a sudden bang from the door, I looked at door and widen my eyes when I saw her, she's my crush and she's the one and only member here "Aiyama! Diamond! I told you to be careful and knock" She looked at me but I reverted my glance to Ella laoshi "oh hi new member? Oh! wait I know you! You are my classmate YuYan right? the one you who seats infront, uhhm near the window right?" I simply nodded agreeing to all she stated, No, wait! I did not agree to be a club member here "Great! since ya'll know each other this club is gonna be fun" 

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