Scam- II

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Diamond's Pov

"hey wake up" Someone kick the bed "Ughh dad five more minutes" I muttered without opening my eyes and tucked myself with my blanket "I'm not your dad, and your phone has been ringing"  not my dad? I touched the blanket and shoot up too quickly realizing that I'm not in my room, bumping my head at Yuyan "holy shit that hurts" I said as she also cuss rubbing her forehead "hello mom?" I answered the call "where are you?  I went to Xu Jiaqi's house earlier but your not there" I hope Kiki didn't said a single shit our I'm gonna smack her ass "oh really? well maybe I left just before you got there? I still have club matter to do here at school" "well you better not be lying"  she said although she's on the other side of the line, her voice scare the shit out of me "of course mother, see you at house later"

"so you want to grab coffee before going to school?" Yuyan offered me "oh you're attending class today?" "yes I can't afford to waste my tuition you know"  She said stripping her bath towel "hey hey what are you doing, there's a room there!" I pointed at the room where she sleep last night "chill  we're both girls and one more thing you won't see my skin" She said, well there's no problem except that I'm fucking gay!!! and then she drop her towel to the ground but her entire back is covered with tattoo "told you, you won't see a thing" Tilting her head towards me while she's slipping her bra "I might melt if you stare a bit longer" 

"I-I'm sorry I...uhhm where's the bathroom I would like to take a bath before leaving for school" she pointed at the door near entrance I sprint as fast as I could locking myself inside, I look like a pervert looking at her, what a fucking idiot am I?  I stripped down and open the shower putting shampoo to my hair and that's where it struck her that she forgot to ask for towel, I turned off the shower with my hair full of bubbles and foams "Uhhm, Yuyan can you give me a towel I forgot earlier "okay give me a second, I'll just knock" she said so I continue to wash my hair and body waiting for her to knock, I wash my face with soap she use, her product of choice is really interesting "Hey here's the towel" I turned off the shower and open the door wide open subconsciously "so... you're seducing me know? you know I still won't let you in the scamming industry"  so I covered my privates, she slowly walk inside while I step back until my back reach the walls "your towel" she waved the towel infront of my face and leave me there, closing the door, I face palmed myself as I was imagining different scenario we could have done

after I'm done with all the changing of clothes, we leave and went at local coffee shop "what do you want? my treat" she asked me "caramel iced coffee with whipped cream" she only signed me an okay and proceed to order "hi I would like to order a caramel iced coffee with whipped cream and a iced mocha with whipped cream and extra chocolate syrup" "will that be all? it's going to be 262.70 yuan,  would you like to dine in or to go?" " to go, here you go keep the change"   she handed  300 yuan, I though she wants to save money? after the cashier give our order we went to school and just sit, only the two of us is here, I guess it's still too early for others to come

"give my phone back" "no, let me in first " She rolled her eyes and sit on her desk "never" she said and lower her head down to sleep "pshh you're such a boomer" I then seated near the door where my table's at, the time passes by so quickly that the lunch is here, I stand up as soon as the teacher dismisses us and went to where Yuyan is "loser wanna grab lunch together" " no"   she decline without hesitation "come on what if Sunrui the jerk bully you again?"  "then I let her beat me up, I don't care" she said walking away from me 

Yuyan's Pov

please leave me alone, please leave me alone "hey wait up!" and there she goes again, she ran after me and offering me to eat with her "don't you have friends to eat with you?"  I said as calm as possible still walking down the hallway "you can have the phone, you can't crack the code"  I said and fasten my phase of walking "oh?" she stopped "but I just did"  What? she did what? I quickly looked back, only seeing her waiving the phone wide open, I walk back to her direction as she keep stepping backward "give it back" "no"  god damn it! this is no use at all, I sigh and stop "okay let's talk at the coffee shop"  she celebrated and hide the phone again inside her backpack 

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