Chapter 24

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(Y/N): Hey Mira! You know where Cana went off to?

Mira: Hm I believe she went over to Lucy's just a while earlier

(Y/N): Ahh, It's that time of year again isn't it

Mira: Yup

(Y/N): Hmm, I really wished she'd believe in herself a little more

Mira: If anyone can cheer her up it's probably you, Now let's get to bed Handsome

(Y/N): Rodger that

(Y/N) closed the light and the curtains and then hopped into bed with Mira, They then got into a spooning position with (Y/N) placing his hand on Mira's belly

(Y/N): Even now I still find it hard quite hard to believe....a prolly shoulda done it on the outside

Mira: I for one don't regret anything, to be honest I kinda had hope this would happen eventually

(Y/N): I mean I don't regret it either but it's when Cana joked about being pregnant I freaked the heck out, ranting about how I wasn't ready for fatherhood or whatever, I guess I still stick by that meaning I don't know How prepared I am for all this

Mira: Yeah....I guess it did just happen out of nowhere, even still

(Y/N): Mhmm, It's only been a couple of weeks but I already Love the kid, Despite whether I was ready or not I'll do my best as a father, If I'm only Half Human what would that make the kid though, same as me? No that ain't right...

Mira: Three quarters Human and 1 quarter dragon

(Y/N): Ahh, Yeah makes sense........but you know Mira.....even though the chances seem to be low, If the baby has horns like'll suffer, For me...It's the reason my own mum...well

Mira: I know

Mira then turns to face (Y/N) and caresses the side of his face with a warm smile on her face

Mira: But I have faith things will end up turning out alright and we'll get to raise this baby together


Mira then inched her face closer and the two shared a passionate kiss for about thirty seconds before nodding off to sleep


Lucy: Can you believe that? I mean I thought Cana was in fairy tail for Life! I tried to get her to tell me why but she wouldn't say

Mira: I wouldn't worry about it, she always talks about quitting whenever this time of year rolls around

Lucy: She what!!?? Oh No Is something Bad gonna happen!!??

(Y/N): Hey Bimbo.....Mira

Lucy: Oh, good morning (Y/N)

Mira: Hey (Y/N), how did it go?

(Y/N): Yup, Master wants me involved to...

Mira: Well you are an S-Class wizard

Lucy: Involved in wha-


Happy: AYE!!!!

Lucy: Hey wait if you're all going on a job then take me with you!


Happy: We'll hang out with you when you get back!!

Natsu and Gray then bumped into each other then clashed heads about to argue

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