Chapter 12

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Next morning both (Y/N) and Natsu were taking Naps on a very large bed back at the resort, (Y/N)'s transformation had actually stuck around even after coming back to the resort, reason being, he didn't know how to "Turn it off", it did go away after one full nights sleep though, Everyone else was sitting at a table with bandages and such for their injury's

Gray: You think they're gonna be okay?

Lucy: I can't believe they've been sleeping for three days, but then again that was one heck of a transformation

Gray: Well that's what they get for taking in all that ethernano

Natsu then shot up from the bed and started yelling


Happy: YOU'RE AWAKE!!!???

(Y/N): Shut...the fuck up....noisy asshole...

(Y/N) then punched Natsu's face in his sleep and Knocked Natsu back out

Happy: Eeh!?

Gray: Wasn't he sound asleep just a minute ago......0_o

Lucy then started Laughing and Erza looked down

Erza: I know i've already said this, but i'm sorry for the trouble i've caused

Lucy: Awww, you don't have to keep apologising to us

Erza: Where's your friend, i wanted to thank her?

Gray: You mean Juvia? she left a while ago, she wanted to talk to gramps about signing up with the guild

Erza: I see


~Lucy's P.O.V~

Lucy: *Once we had time to relax a little at the resort, Erza opened up to me about everything, I still find it hard to believe (Y/N) ate all of the remaining magic from the Etherion, though seeing his transformation it becomes easier to believe, honestly i think he looked more handsome then usual like doesn't mean anything though i-i was just stating a fact..yeah that's it, anyways in the end of it all i actually feel a little bad for Jellal, he was just another one of Zeref's innocent victims*

~Narrator's P.O.V~

That night everyone had gathered together for a big feast at the resort, it was Erza's old friends along with her Fairy tail ones, they all had a good time, Especially Natsu and (Y/N), Natsu went on a rampage enjoying being active after sleeping for so long and (Y/N) was eating anything and everything since he hadn't eaten for 3 whole days, currently Lucy was currently writing in a room and Erza had hurriedly opened the door

Erza: Lucy! Have you seen Sho and the others!?

Lucy: No, i haven't seen them since dinner

Erza: I can't find them anywhere

Lucy: You don't think they'd just up and leave without saying goodbye do you?

Erza: I'm sure that's it....

Lucy: But why would they do that?

Erza: Tell Natsu, (Y/N) and Gray to get the fireworks ready and to meet me on the beach

Lucy: W- Erza???

Erza then left the room leaving behind a speechless Lucy


On the beach Sho, Milliana and Wally were preparing a canoe with stuff packed inside

Wally: You sure we're gonna be able to make it in the outside world? we've never bee on our own before

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