Chapter 11

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Erza: I have to fight Jellal.....I have no choice...I have to do it

She was tearing up at her own memories and everyone watched on in silence, (Y/N) was now less angry and more sympathetic

Gray: I don't know, maybe it's just me, but for some reason the name Zeref sounds familiar

(Y/N): It's not just you, i hardly remember anything in my childhood regarding other people apart from Abyss, but the Name Zeref always triggers something in my brain

Erza: I'm sure, he was the legendary black wizard

Lucy: Wait a minute, i remember someone saying the monster that came out the lullaby flute was one of Zeref's Demons

Erza: I never mentioned it, but i suspect Deliora was a Demon from the book of Zeref as well

Gray's eyes and Mouth then widened in surprise

Juvia: If this wizard is as evil as you say then why would Jellal want to resurrect him?

Erza: I don't understand his motive either, however my old friend Sho said something about Zeref getting them to heaven, and when that happens the world will be reborn and become it's rulers

Lucy: Okay, there's something that confuses me about these people who claim to be old friends of yours, why are they accusing you of betraying them, don't they know Jellal's the bad guy here?

Erza: It's not their fault, i'm sure he fed them all sorts of lies about me once i left.....but that doesn't change the fact that i abandoned them so long ago, in the end i guess you could say i did betray them

(Y/N): Well you had no choice, their lives were at stake

Erza: None of that matters anymore, if i can Defeat Jellal it will all be over, leave it to me okay

Erza had said but no one bought it deep down, then an unidentified individual stepped forth into the room

???: Sister, that's not true, why are you lying to them

Erza: Sho?

Sho: You think by playing the martyr you're gonna get sympathy from your friends, TELL THEM THE TRUTH, THAT'S NOT HOW IT HAPPENED AND YOU KNOW IT!!!! You blew up the boats we were going to use to escape, and then you left on your own, we would have ended up at the bottom of the sea if it wasn't for Jellal, he saved us!! He warned us not to trust Wizards like you who hadn't learned to use their magic properly, he said that you had become drunk with magic power and that you didn't want anything to do with us and left your past behind!!

(Y/N): This is Getting so Fucking Annoying, all I hear is "He said this" and "He said that", how can claim to know her and call her "sister" and not have at least a little faith in her

Sho: Shut up, you weren't there back then, you don't know anything about us, Jellal's words were my only Salvation!!! And that's why i spent all those years building the tower for him!! I did it for his sake!!!

(Y/N) then stepped in front of him and Grabbed his Collar which surprised all of them there, Erza was about to stop him but He gave her a Glare that showed her she should back off

(Y/N): Stop fucking whining!! Your being a Hypocrite and it's getting on my fucking nerves, who's playing the Martyr now!!

Erza: (Y/N)

(Y/N): And you Shut up to Erza!! It's become clear to me you have no faith in our abilities, i don't know or care what's coming If they hurt my family they better watch their backs!!!

Once more His magic had created Pressure in the room that had sent everyone into silence while trembling silently

Juvia: *I-is this the power of the demon Dragon, if Fairytail have these sorts of monsters then there we were fools to pick a fight with them in the first place..*

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