Sisterly bond

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Ancient burial site, Mexico
The Tekken forces arrived at an Aztec burial site upon orders from Heihachi. Said man stood in front of the helicopter, watching them excavate the tomb that claimed to contain the God of Fighting, Ogre.
As soon as the the soldiers excavated the ancient god, its giant eyelids lifted, revealing glowing red eyes. The soldiers were thrown back with force when the ancient god simply stood up. Heihachi smirked, determined to beat that monster and claim its power.

Two subjects of cryosleep mysteriously awoke from their slumber. One awoke with no side effects, feeling just like she did before she volunteered herself in.
While the other, awoke with no memory, and only one thing left on her mind.
Kill Jin Kazama.
"Nina!" Anna called after her sister as soon as she was up and dressed. "Wanna have a spot of sparring?"
"Who are you?" Her blonde sister asked, much to her surprise.
Anna was taken aback. She stared at her sister in shock.
"N-Nina?" Anna said, slightly hurt. "You don't know me?"
The blond woman simply ignored her and started leaving the lab, pulling her long coat on. Anna ran after her and pulled her arm.
"Quit playing around, Nina!" Anna said, a smirk forming on her face. "Don't be a sore loser!"
To her surprise, Nina violently twisted her arm out of her grasp.
"There is only one thing left in my mind," Nina said, almost in monotone. "Assassinate Jin Kazama."
Anna watched as her sister simply walked away, a confused expression on her face.
'Who on earth is this Jin Kazama...?' Anna thought. 'Does she mean Jun Kazama?'
She decided to ask Doctor Bosconovitch for an explanation.

Doctor Bosconovitch was in a dark room, the screen of his computer being the only thing that illuminated the room. He typed away codes, before suddenly exclaiming "Eureka!"
"Doctors Bosconovitch?" Anna called, entering the room. "Doctor B. There's something important I want to ask you."
"What is it?" The old doctor asked, turning his swivel chair around to face her.
"It's... it's about Nina," Anna said, sounding a little worried. "There's something wrong with her."
"Well, as a side effect of cryosleep, she lost her memories," Doctor Bosconovitch shrugged slightly. "There must've been some complication that caused this, considering that you don't feel any different."
Anna lips formed a firm line. "But... what about Nina? I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm worried about her!"
Doctor Bosconovitch gave her a wry smile. "It's not her fault. But I'll do what I can to bring her memories back."
Anna nodded. "Are you entering the tournament?"
"Yes, I'm afraid I am," Doctor Bosconovitch regretfully admitted. "I need the blood of Ogre in order to cure the disease I've gotten..."
"Ogre...?" Anna repeated, confused. "What's that?"
"The God of Fighting, or as the Japanese say, Toshin," Doctor Bosconovitch said, minimising the program on his computer to show her a picture of the god. "He is the reason you and Nina awoke from cryosleep."
Anna slowly nodded. "So he's the reason Nina is like this..." Anna said with a frown. "Anyway, do you know a Jin Kazama?"
"Jin Kazama?" Doctor Bosconovitch repeated the name, raising an eyebrow. "He is Heihachi's grandson, Kazuya's son."
Anna stopped short. "Why is Nina trying to kill Jun and Kazuya's son?"
Doctor Bosconovitch shrugged. "I have no clue. Where did you get this?"
"She said so herself," Anna said. She scowled when she remembered the robotic way she acted. "It was almost as if she was a robot. She spoke in monotone, and she didn't even recognise me!"
All those memories she had with Nina, which mostly consisted of fights resulting in one of them getting hurt, flooded into her mind. She thanked Doctor Bosconovitch and left his office to silently cried in the restroom. For some reason, she missed her sister. It felt like... she had lost a part of herself.
She set off to the tournament, determined to stop Nina from returning to her assassin ways. She had somehow stopped her from progressing in the tournament, ending the match in a double KO. Nina was now beginning to question herself too.
Anna brought her back to Doctor Bosconovitch.
"Trust me, you'll get your memories back," Anna said, giving her sister's shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "Get in."
Doctor Bosconovitch did all he could, but sadly, nothing worked. Anna sighed and decided to take matters into her own hands.
First thing she did was bring her back to Ireland, their homeland. She brought them to their previous home, her favourite hang out spots, but nothing seemed to have helped jog Nina's memory.
As a last resort, she brought her to her father's grave. Anna trudged down the snow-covered ground, a bouquet of flowers in her hands, alongside her sister. Anna glanced at her sister and led her to a particular grave.
"This is it, Nina," Anna said, putting a hand on her sister's shoulder. Nina simply looked down at the tombstone in front of her. Anna sighed and went forward and crouched in front of Richard's grave. She put the bouquet down at the bottom of the tombstone. She suddenly heard a groan behind her and turned around to see Nina gripping her head in pain. "Nina! Nina, you okay?" Anna asked in concerned, going towards her sister.
Flashes of the last time she visited the grave formed in her mind. Everything came rushing back, her father, her mother, her sworn rivalry with her sister, everything.
Anna put her hand on Nina's back to see if she was okay. To her surprise, Nina slapped her so hard that she was thrown towards the snow.
"Don't touch me, butthead!" Nina yelled before storming out of the cemetery.
Anna sat up and watched after her sister with the slightest of smiles on her face.
"Good too have you back, sister," Anna said with a smirk.
She got up and brushed the snow off her long red coat. She smiled at her father's grave before running after her sister to resume their rivalry.

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