Crank Up the Family Reunion Tunes

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      Now I didn't have many parties to compare this one, but I knew that I'd never be able to party as hard as the Olympians did.

     The Nine Muses were in charge of music. I was shocked to be hearing Prince Royce blasting from the royal DJ table until I realized not everyone was hearing the same thing. Everyone heard whatever they wanted to. No arguments. No fights to change the radio station. Just requests to crank it up.

    Dionysus grew refreshment stands straight out of the ground. I noticed something different about his face, he was actually smiling. I couldn't blame him. A gorgeous woman held onto his arm, talking to him while laughing. His wife, Ariadne.

    Grover trotted around with a full plate of tin cans and enchiladas, and his goblet was full of double-espresso latte, which he kept muttering over like an incantation: "Pan! Pan!"

    Gods had shrunken themselves down to our height so they didn't have to worry about accidentally crushing anyone. They all walked around congratulating me and my friends.

    I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder and i turned around. I was met with the smiling face of Demeter.

     "I bet you don't remember-"

     "I do," I said. "My first day at camp, that bush that healed me. That was you?"

    She nodded. "I knew there was something special about you. Unfortunately, no one ever takes the goddess of grain's opinions in warfare seriously. I know a string fighter when I see one."

    She grabbed my hand. "And a green thumb."

    The goddess's finger traced over the scar on my hand.

     Out of nowhere, another voice popped up. "Soon, my dear, very soon."

    I looked up and Aphrodite was now looking at my hand, too. She made me nervous.

    "Oh, I can't wait!" She beamed. "Especially with a pretty face like yours!"

    I felt myself turn red. She distracted me from the fact that I didn't understand what she meant. Before I could ask, both goddesses walked away, chatting lightly.

    I turned around and bumped into someone, stumbling back.

    "I am so sorry- Oh."

     I looked up at the shining green eyes that studied me with sadness.

     "Casidencia," my father said.

    "Cassidy," I corrected him. "Nobody's called me that in years."

     "They should start," he smiled. "It's a beautiful name."

     "I didn't even think you'd now my name considering you never acknowledged my existence."

     "Now you know I wasn't allowed to," he reasoned.

     "Oh, but with Percy it was fine?" I asked.

     "You need to understand-"

     "Dad..." Suddenly, Percy was at my side. "Hi."

     "Hello, Percy," Poseidon regarded him. "You've done well. Both of you have."

      I didn't need his praise. After all this time, I wasn't even sure I wanted to be here having this conversation. I probably would've been better off never having spoken to Poseidon.

    "I won't let you down," Percy promised him. I refused to make any promises to someone who couldn't keep them.

    "Your friend Luke—"

{BOOK 2} Percy Jackson's Sister Where stories live. Discover now