Make Way for Chef Cas

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"Not so fast now, are you, punk?"

The man had a gravelly voice. he was tall and well built, his hair was well trimmed. He was dressed like biker, in leather with a white shirt that stuck to his body. Behind the shades he wore, I thought I saw small flames in his eye sockets.

"Ares," Percy growled.

He smirked at the recognition. He glanced at us, we all had our weapons drawn.

"At ease, people," the war god snapped his fingers. Around me, everyone's weapons clanged to the floor. I still gripped my sword in my hand, refusing to let it fall.

"Huh," Ares huffed, lowering his weapon from Percy's neck. Percy quickly backed away while he had the chance.

Ares stomped towards me and looked down at me.

"You're not one of mine, are you?" He asked.

"No," It came out harsher than I intended. Ares frowned.

"Then why are you still holding your-" he stared at my blade, then back at Percy.

"Ah," he said. The he began laughing, no one else joined. "You're this little punk's sister?"

"My name is Cassidy," I told him. I didn't like being referred to as just "Percy's sister."

"Okay, well," he snapped his fingers, again, now pointing directly at me. My sword didn't fall, but it did turn back into a bracelet, it slipped itself back on to my wrist. Ares seemed satisfied with that.

"This is a friendly meeting." He directed his attention back to Percy, raising his sword to his throat again. "Of course I'd like to take your head for a trophy, but someone wants to see you. And I never behead my enemies in front of a lady."

"What lady?" Thalia asked.

Ares looked over at her. "Well, well. I heard you were back."

He shoved Percy out of the way and he bumped into me. He muttered an apology but I just took a step away from him. He crossed his arms in anger, making me angry at him for being angry at me.

Justin had told me the affects his father had on people. Every time he was around, anger radiated and affected people in nasty ways.

Ares was now studying Thalia with amusement. "Thalia, daughter of Zeus. You're not hanging out with very good company."

"What's your business, Ares?" she said. "Who's in the car?"

Ares smiled. "Oh, I doubt she wants to meet the rest of you. Particularly not them." He pointed at Zoë and Bianca with his chin.

"Why don't you all go get some tacos while you wait?" Ares suggested. "Only take Percy a few minutes."

"We will not leave him alone with thee, Lord Ares," Zoë said.

"Besides," Grover tried keeping the tremble out of his voice, "the taco place is closed."

Ares snapped again. Seriously, couldn't this guy do anything other than snap?

The taqueria's lights turned on. The sign on the door flipped from CLOSED to OPEN. "You were saying, goat boy?"

"Go on," Percy assured. "I'll handle this."

His voice was steady but the rest of him was fidgeting nervously. His hands twitched in his pockets and his feet moved back and forth.

"You heard the boy," Ares said. "He's big and strong. He's got things under control."

{BOOK 2} Percy Jackson's Sister Where stories live. Discover now