Cliff Diving Should be Done With a Parachute

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      "No!" Percy lunged at Thalia and deflected Thorn's missiles with his sword. Unfortunately for me, it ricocheted off of Riptide and into my arm. I winced in pain, biting my lip to keep from screaming. If I yelled, Percy would immediately feel guilty, turning his attention to me, and get both himself and Thalia killed.

      Percy raised the shield Tyson had made for him, which was now badly dented from the protection it had just given him moments ago. It wouldn't hold out for much longer.

     The manticore towered over them. "Now do you see how hopeless it is? Yield, little heroes."

     He raised his tail to strike but before he could do so, the sound of a hunting horn filled the air.

    Everyone stood frozen, awaiting to see what that meant. Dr. Thorn seemed to know exactly what it meant.

    "No," he said in disbelief. "It cannot be-"

    He stopped mid sentence, an arrow sprouting from his shoulder. He stumbled back, cursing the arrow, releasing a volley of spike at random. I took his distraction to my advantage and swung my sword with the arm that wasn't injured.


    I cut clean through his deadliest weapon, his tail. He howled in pain as he turned to face me.

    I lifted my sword, prepared to fight, but Dr. Thorn seemed to get even more distracted than I did. He turned back around to see dozens of girls in silver, armed with bow and arrows, all ready to shoot.

     I dropped to the ground and huddled next Annabeth.

    "The Hunters!" Annabeth exclaimed.

    One of the girls stepped forward, he stance making it clear she was a superior. A silver circlet enticed her forehead and wrapped around her long hair that was held in a braid. She didn't dare take her eyes off the monster.

    "Permission to kill, my lady?" She asked, nonchalantly.

    "This is not fair! Direct interference! It is against the Ancient Laws!" The manticore protested.

     "Not so," a younger girl answered. Her auburn hair was tied back in a neat ponytail, her regal energy making the monster nervous. Her eyes were like the moon, bright and milky. Her face did not falter for a second, she carried herself with confidence.

    "The hunting of all wild beasts is within my sphere. And you, foul creature, are a wild beast." She turned to the girl with the silver circlet. "Zoë, permission granted."

      The monster angered even more. "If I cannot have these alive, I shall have them dead!"

     He lunged at Thalia and Percy, taking advantage of their vulnerability.

     "No!" Annabeth yelled, running towards the manticore.

     "Annabeth!" I yelled, hobbling towards her to try and stop her.

     "Get back, half-blood!" The girl, Zoë, said. "Get out of the line of fire!"

      Annabeth didn't listen. She leaped onto the monster's back, jabbing her dagger into him, refusing to let go.

     "Fire!" Zoë ordered.

     "No!" Percy and I screamed.

     The Hunters didn't back off their command. They shot an arrow into the manticore's neck, then his chest. Until he was flailing uncontrollably. He shouted, "This is not the end, Huntress! You shall pay!"

     Before he could be impaled with more arrows, he dive over the side of the cliff, taking Annabeth with him.

     "Annabeth!" Percy made his way towards the edge of the cliff but was cut off.

     The helicopter still circling above us, now firing gunshots. Most of them hit the ground but one caught my arm, the same arm that had been damaged by Dr. Thorn's spike.

    As everyone attempted taking shelter, the small girl with the auburn hair stepped forward calmly.

    "Mortals," she said, "are not allowed to witness my hunt."

     With that, she extended her hand and the helicopter dissolved into a flock of ravens, flying out into the wild.

    The Hunters lowered their bows and made their way towards us.

     "Zoe Nightshade." Thalia spat bitterly. "Perfect timing, as usual."

      Zoe looked at us. "Four half-bloods and a satyr, my lady."

     "Five," I said, trembling from the injuries. "Five half-bloods! You just let my friend get thrown off a cliff!"

     I felt my blood boil as I struggled to get up, sending chills all over my body.

    "Cassidy," Thalia tried to make her voice steady. "Calm down."

     I felt myself blackout, only for a minute. I let the anger inside me fade, replacing it with pain. When I returned from my trance, I had frozen two Hunters to trees and I was staring directly at an arrow. Zoë was ready to skewer me once given the command.

     "Woah, woah, woah," Percy pushed me behind him and stood in between me and the arrow. "Let's all just chill out, she didn't mean to do that, it's not something she can control."

      "I sense the curse," the younger girl said. "A very strong one, Cassidy Malloy."

      I didn't bother to ask how or why she knew my name.

     "Annabeth," I pleaded at Percy. He ran towards the edge of the cliff his eyes distraught. A couple of girls held him down, making sure he didn't jump after Annabeth.

     "You are in no condition to be hurling yourself off cliffs," the auburn-haired girl said.

     "Let me go!" Percy struggled. "Who do you think you are?"

    Zoë raised her hand above Percy, as if to hit him.

    "No," the younger girl stopped her. "I sense no disrespect, Zoë. He is simply distraught. He does not understand."

     The girl approached Percy and knelt to his eye level. "I am Artemis. Goddess of the Hunt."

{BOOK 2} Percy Jackson's Sister Where stories live. Discover now