Yet Another Reason to Despise Teachers

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We couldn't find Thalia and Grover anywhere in the gym so we left the dance.

"Thalia," Annabeth whispered, not wanting to get us caught.

"Grover," I whispered. No answer.

I looked behind us and noticed something missing. Percy.


"Shhh!" She cut me off. We heard footsteps and hid behind a huge pillar. The footsteps turned the corner and I heard the jingling of chains. I stepped out of my hiding spot, letting out a breath of relief.

"Thalia," I said, signaling for Annabeth that it was clear. "Where are the kids?"

"We don't know," she said. "Where's Percy?"

"We don't know," I echoed.

Annabeth looked around, noticing for the first time that Percy wasn't following us.

"Great," Thalia sighed. "Now we have to find three demigods."

"Grover," I said. "Where does the other gym exit lead to?"

Grover thought for a second. "The main hall, where you guys met the VP."

"Let's go," Thalia commanded. She ran back into the gym, glancing back every so often to make sure we were all following her.


"They're not here," I said. We had checked the main hall, and every hall surrounding it, about ten times.

"Thank you, Captain Kelp Head," Thalia said.

"The expression is captain obvious," I corrected her. "Maybe we could go back to the gym and see-"

"Blahhhh!" Grover bleated, interrupting my plan.

"What's wrong?" Annabeth asked.

"It's Percy!" Grover closed his eyes. "He's trying to send me a message."

Percy and Grover had made an empathy link in the summer, which basically meant their lives were tied to each other. Whatever one felt, the other did too. They could communicate through thoughts and dreams if they tried hard enough.

"Where is he?" I asked. "Did he find Nico and Bianca?"

Grover kept his eyes closed a little while longer. "I think he's outside."

"You think?" Thalia demanded.

"Well, hurry up and take us there!" I urged.

He ran for the doors, us following him, hoping Percy was giving a strong enough signal to not get us lost in the woods.

It also helped that Grover was a satyr and we were tracking down three demigods. It was bound to give off a strong scent.

Grover led us through a path that was barely lit by lamplights, like the kinds in the old days that lit up the streets. Most of them flickered, making the woods seem eerie.

Everyone's teeth chattered in the cold. We had ditched our heavy coats when we were inside Westover and had only left on our light sweaters.

Annabeth's fingers were beginning to turn red. I took my loose sweater off and put it on her.

"What about you?" She asked. Although her body immediately reacted to the extra warmth, pulling the sweater tighter around her. Annabeth was taller than me so the sweater fit her exact.

{BOOK 2} Percy Jackson's Sister Where stories live. Discover now