Lost? The Acorns Will Show the Way

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      Our trip consisted of a lot of yelling, most of it from Thalia and Zoë.

      I tried falling asleep but every time my eyes would shut for more than a second, something would jolt me back to reality. A bump in the road, Grover complaining about the contaminated environment, or the sound of an attempted homicide.

     Every so often, I would nervously glance at the sky, hoping to see Percy following us with Blackjack. Thalia assumed I was nervous that Zeus would smite me, but assured me that we weren't in his domain so I should be fine.

     Grover knew better, probably because of him and Percy's empathy link. He leaned closer to me and whispered, "Looking for Percy, aren't you?"

     "No," I lied.

     He nodded but I could tell he didn't believe me. Every time I'd glance at the sky, he would shut his eyes in concentration, maybe trying to communicate with Percy.

     All of a sudden, the car swerved off the road for a second and beeps echoes all around us. There was yelling and some suggestions as to where Zoë should go drive our car. She regained control of the steering wheel and sat wide eyed with a stiff position.

     She was tired and had started drifting off while driving. We all were too stunned to even complain about it. Demigods died in a lot of ways, car crashes was not usually one of them.

     Thalia seemed especially shaken up, she was grabbing on to me like her life depended on it. Her face had turned a slight tinge of green and she wore the same expression everyone did when she busted out her shield. Absolutely terrified.

     "I have to pee," I announced, breaking the tense silence.

      "Me too," Bianca's eyes were so wide, I was surprised they were still in her sockets.

      "Me three," Grover shook his head vigorously.

       Zoë nodded and started to look for an exit.


     The convenience store told us we were in Maryland. That was a far travel so I couldn't blame Zoë for nodding off and almost ending our quest on the first day. I wondered if she and Bianca could die in a car crash.

    Grover drifted towards a tree and let us know he was going to see if he could get more directions. We all left him and stepped inside the convenience store.

     I grabbed the largest iced coffee I could find and stuffed a bag of sunflower seeds in my jacket.

     Bianca tugged my arm. "You're stealing?"

     I looked down and realized how that must've looked from Bianca's perspective. I couldn't help myself, I was used to not being able to afford anything and having to steal if I wanted to eat.

     Thalia patted my shoulder. "How about we do things the legal way, just this once?"

     "Right," I said, taking the bag out of my jacket. Bianca still seemed to be studying me, probably thinking that as soon as she turned around I would slip something else in my pockets.

     After we all used the bathroom, which was surprisingly sanitary, and grabbed a couple snacks we headed to the cashier. He eyed us nervously, as if we'd all suddenly jump him and steal everything in the store. I couldn't blame him, a bunch of kids in bright orange t shirts were doing alone at a convenience store during school hours did seem kind of suspicious.

      "D.C." Grover said.

      "What?" I asked, stepping out of the convenience store.

      "I did the acorn spell I showed you guys in the summer. We have to go to Washington D.C. next."


      "Well... the acorns said to."

       "How did the acorns-"

        "Cas, you ask a lot of questions."

       "You don't give many answers," I noted.

       "Grover, are you sure?" Thalia asked. Zoë was looking at him skeptically.

       Grover paused for a moment. "Pretty sure. Ninety-nine percent. Okay, eighty-five percent."

     "And you did this with acorns?" Bianca asked incredulously.

    Grover looked hurt. "It's a time-honored tracking spell. I mean, I'm pretty sure I did it right."

    "D.C. is about sixty miles from here," Bianca said. "Nico and I..." She pursed her lips. "We used to live there. That's... that's strange. I'd forgotten."

    "I dislike this," Zoë said. "We should go straight west. The prophecy said west."

    "Oh, like your tracking skills are better?" Thalia told her.

     Zoe took a step forward. "You challenge my skills, you scullion? You know nothing of being a Hunter!"

    "Oh, scullion You're calling me a scullion? What the heck is a scullion?"

    "Whoa, you two," Grover intervened. "Come on. Not again!"

      "We've been dealing with your fights for hours, can't y'all give it a rest."

       Zoë stared at me, either surprised that I'd spoken to her like that or disgusted that I'd used the word "y'all".

     "Grover's right," Bianca said. She still looked troubled by the fact that she couldn't remember where she had lived. "D.C. is our best bet."

      Zoë nodded, still unsure whether we should be taking directions from acorns. "Very well. Let us keep moving."

    "You're going to get us arrested, driving," Thalia grumbled. "I look closer to sixteen than you do."

     "Perhaps," Zoe snapped. "But I have been driving since automobiles were invented. Let us go."
      Maybe it was just my imagination, but before getting back in the car, I could've sworn I felt something, someone, tap my shoe.

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