Ms. Malloy? No, Mini Boss!

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After I packed my bag for the quest, we both fell asleep pretty quickly. That's when my dream came.

I saw my mother, the last day I would ever see her. She looked beautiful, brown hair and brown eyes, I couldn't imagine why anyone would want to hurt her.

The gunshots pierced my ears, deafening silence filling the air. I remember crouching down, being pulled up by some woman in a uniform.

I shoved her off of me and ran towards my mom's lifeless body, clutching on and shaking her.

Please wake up, tears streamed down my face. I was once again pulled away. I thrashed violently until I was thrown into a completely different scene.

My mom now pushed her way through a crowd, her body seemed almost translucent. A pale guy with long black hair led her to a different section.

"My brother's request," the man said. Everyone seemed to part for him, as if he was superior to all of the rest.

He swiped his hand over a river, revealing an image. It was me, baking blue cookies with Sally and Percy. We were laughing, I couldn't tell at what. I saw my mother smile.

I urged myself closer but the dream changed again.

I now saw a boy on the streets, he seemed to be running away from someone.

He kept looking back, running faster each time. I tried to keep up with him but he turned a corner and I lost him.

I looked around trying to find him again but when I turned, I was faced with headlights coming straight towards me. I yelled, both in my dream and in reality.


I bolted up in my bed, breathing hard. I ran a hand through my tangled hair, trying to catch my breath.

In seconds, Percy's head was leaning against my bed frame.

"Hey, bubba," he said. "You okay?"

"Fine," I said, looking down at him. "Where are you going?"

"I'll be back in a second."

"Can I come?"

"You should rest for your quest tomorrow."


I made my best puppy eyes and he sighed. He extended his hand and I took it, jumping out of the top bunk.

I slipped my sneakers on and opened the door.

Hey, it's mini boss! Blackjack said. He insisted on calling Percy "boss" so I guess I was stuck with "mini boss."

"Is Porkpie awake?" I asked him.

Porkpie's always awake for you mini boss, Blackjack neighed.

"Great," I said walking past him to the stables. "Lead the way to trouble."

{BOOK 2} Percy Jackson's Sister Where stories live. Discover now