Jack's Greatest Fear

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Jack, Cadence, Hawthorne, and Morrigan were crowded around the table, all settled into their beanbags, the couch behind them disregarded. The decks of cards in their hands were nearly crushed as they stared into the middle with a certain intensity.  A sudden bang sounded out through the room as Hawthorne slammed his hand on the pile of cards in the middle.


Morrigan looked at the cards that had just been put down. "I hate to break it to you, but that was not snap." Cadence and Jack both nodded in agreement.

Hawthorne stopped his victory dance for a moment to check what they were saying was true, before begrudgingly accepting that he had, in fact, not won that game.

"But I should have won!" He protested. "I-"

"Cheated? Yeah, we know. It was pretty obvious." Cadence cut him off.

He looked back at her in mock horror, his hands plastered across his chest and forehead as he fell back dramatically.

"Me? Cheat? I would never!"

"Keep telling yourself that." Jack grinned knowingly.

Placing the rest of his cards down and stretching out his arms in a yawn, Jack slowly got to his feet.

"Anyone fancy a snack?"

Hawthorne immediately perked up at that, as did Morrigan. They had all skipped dinner in favour of going to Frank's dead llama, Michelle, funeral.

It was quite a sad event, as Michelle had been the best acrobat and synchronised swimmer of Frank's entire herd, however the four friends were the only attendees and they had sat awkwardly for a number of hours before realising that everyone else, including Michelle's owner, had forgotten about the funeral, instead opting to go to dinner.

Hawthorne had declared that he would have nightmares of Michelle forever onwards, because instead of putting her in a coffin as most people normally do, Frank had had her stuffed and out on display for all to see. Hawthorne was certain she had been staring at him the entire time and had vowed to never go anywhere near a llama ever again.
Jack noticed their hungry reactions and gave a thumbs up, heading off to the kitchens.

"What should we do now?" Morrigan sighed, leaning back in her beanbag.

"A game of truth or dare?" Hawthorne suggested, wiggling his eyebrows at her. "More specifically truth?"

She grabbed a pillow from the couch and hurled it at him, hitting him directly in the face. "Why do you always suggest that?" She groaned.

He let out an "oomph" and threw it back, but completely missed her.

"What? Something you don't want to share?" Cadence sniggered.

Morrigan felt her face turning red and quickly looked for something to distract her two friends. "Jack is taking a while, do you think I should go check on him?"

"Funny how Jack comes to mind..." Cadence said casually, glancing at her.

"Maybe you should go check on him. In the kitchens. Alone together." Hawthorne added, trying his hardest to look innocent.

"Oooooh," Cadence and Hawthorne giggled in unison as if they had planned the entire conversation.

Morrigan, not sure whether to be surprised by how the conversation had quickly turned on her or concerned that Cadence actually giggled, quickly stood up, throwing her hands down in pent-up frustration and embarrassment.

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