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~i really hope you enjoy... it took me a while to get the nerve to publish it... but yeah~


Morrigan was in detention, and it was all Hawthorne's fault.

It was always his fault. 

She hadn't even done anything! Well... maybe that was the point. She had simply stood by and laughed as Hawthorne coated the floors of the halls with soap and water, one of his best yet. It was still unfair. 

She hasn't assisted him, hadn't talked to him about it, or- wait maybe she had. Morrigan stopped to think about it and nearly kicked herself. She had been talking to him about having a slip and slide at school sometime the day before! So maybe she wasn't quite as innocent as she'd like to believe, but still.

Morrigan tapped her fingers on the desk and let out a long, drawn-out sigh. "Ughhhhh. I can't believe you got us into detention again."

Cadence gave her a sideways look. "He only got you into detention."

"Yeah!" Hawthorne protested, "Cadence is here of her own free will."

Morrigan snorted. "Yeah, she's here because she'd rather be bored with us than without."

Cadence shrugged. "It's not like I had anything better to do. And besides, there are always unexpected benefits." Cadence looked towards the door, and Morrigan turned to look.

"Like whaaaaaa- oh shit."

Someone had just entered. But not just anyone, oh no. Jack Arjuna Korrapati. How did Morrigan know his middle name? Reasons to remain untold. He was the hottest guy in school, in Morrigan's opinion. Cadence didn't agree, but that was irrelevant. And he was there. In detention with her.

Morrigan turned to Cadence. "Don't- don't do anything to embarrass me. Ok?" She turned to Hawthorne. "Same goes for you."

Hawthorne grinned. "No promises."

Please, Morrigan thought, please just this once let them act somewhat sober.

She watched Jack as he looked around the classroom for a seat and realised, with a start, that there weren't many left. Two to be exact. One of them being conveniently right in front of her. Her view was abruptly interrupted by a figure walking past, and she turned to watch him stride up to Cadence's desk.

He leant down and placed his hands on her desk with a smirk. "Hey pretty thing, how-"

"I'm not interested." Cadence interrupted, not looking up, instead continuing to flip through her book without so much as flinching.

"Hey, come on, I-"

"I said I'm not interested."

The guy blinked, obviously not used to being rejected so quickly. "You can't talk to me like that."

Cadence looked up, completely unfazed. "Or what? You're going to rape me in the bathrooms? Leave me alone."


"Hey! She said no! Leave it at that." Morrigan suddenly barked. She knew Cadence could handle herself, but he was getting on her nerves.

The guy turned and glowered at her, moving to stand over her desk.

"Who do you think you are?"

"Dude, I hate to break it to you, but you can't force yourself on girls that aren't interested."

He loomed over her, every instinct in her body telling her to get away.

"How dare you, you little-"

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