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~sorry if this one is a little hard to follow along because of the song. anything in italics is the music.

the timelines are also a little weird in this, so for context, Mog and Jack are about 16-17ish and Cadence is 19ish (Mog is in grade 11). Mog and Cadence are siblings, Jupiter is their single dad, and Mog and Jack are... well... you'll see

this story was inspired by the song Buzzcut Season by Lorde. I recommend listening to it whilst reading~


Staring out the window, a long, dramatic sigh left Morrigan's mouth.

Jack tugged at her sleeve. "Hey, what's got you in a huff?"

Morrigan turned to him, not meeting his eyes. "Nothing."

Jack gave her a soft smile. He knew Morrigan too well. "I'm sure it will be fine."

They sat in silence together, the rumbling of the bus pulling to a stop, and the feel of their legs knocking together helped Morrigan steady herself as they prepared to disembark.

Thanking the bus driver on the way past, they jumped off together, slowly walking to the front door.

Morrigan looked at the driveway in disappointment.

"He's not here."

Jack took her hand and squeezed it, offering comfort in the touch.

Morrigan checked the door handle and, upon finding it unlocked, entered. 

Their house was a modest 3 three-bedroom establishment. Despite Morrigan's dad being filthy rich, he hadn't wanted them to be spoiled, so they lived in the suburbs. This suited Morrigan just fine. 

Because of his job, their dad wasn't home a lot. He ran the Hotel Noilacued in the city, and it required him to be present most of the time. Sometimes they would joke that the hotel was his secret child.

Morrigan flung the door open and lead Jack inside, the fury bubbling up inside her threatening to take over.

She marched down the hallway into the kitchen, throwing her bag down on the floor.

"Cady! Is dad home?" She called out.

"Don't call me that!" A voice yelled back. "And he said he might be in tonight though."

Morrigan groaned in frustration, running a hand through her long, black hair. Jack placed a hand on her back. "Hey. Look at me."

Morrigan struggled to look up, not wanting to make eye contact.

"Look at me." Jack all but growled. He took Morrigan's chin in his hand, tilting her head up so they were looking at each other. "It's going. To be. Ok." He put emphasis on each word, as though Morrigan was a child needing each word to be animated.

Then he leaned forwards and pulled Morrigan into a firm, furious kiss. Morrigan melted into it, glad for the distraction. She kissed back just as hard, pouring out her emotions through the touch.

Nothing else mattered apart from each other. Jupiter was forgotten, school was forgotten, her warring thoughts forgotten as she poured out each and every emotion into the kiss.

They eventually had to break apart for air, and as Morrigan caught her breath, she noticed Cadence sitting on a stool by the bench, reading a book.

"Oi! Why didn't you say something!" She exclaimed, suddenly embarrassed.

Cadence looked up and shrugged. "It seemed rude to interrupt."

"Bastard!" Morrigan kicked out at her, but she dodged.


Morrigan stormed back down the hall, Jack tailing her. They entered her bedroom and Morrigan slammed the door shut.

"Hey, don't let her get to you," Jack murmured, taking the role of calming Morrigan down again.

Morrigan softened at the words. "Sorry, it's just so frustrating having her be so blasé about dad."

"Yeah, I know. At least he might be coming tonight."

"He won't."

"How do you know?"

"He always says he'll come. He never does."

Morrigan looked away and busied herself with cleaning the desk. It was already immaculate, so she focused on straightening all the little things that had been bothering her. 

She could hear Jack moving and doing something, but didn't bother to turn and look. 

Once upon a thrill, from a kiss to a swill
We were swallowin' the nights like we had nine lives

Morrigan twisted round in shock as music burst out from behind her, the words echoing around the room. Jack was standing, fiddling with a record player. 

Dead and gone so long, seventeen so gone
Dead and gone so long, seventeen so

"What are you doing?"

We were borderline kids
With a book of disorders

Jack looked up, grinning. "I didn't know you had a record player! Great taste in music, too."

Medicatin' every day to keep the straightness in order

Morrigan moved to turn it off, but Jack stopped her.

"Just let yourself enjoy it. Dead and gone so long, seventeen so gone!"

Jack started singing along, and Morrigan smiled a little.

"There we go!" Jack was clapping, to the beat, urging Morrigan to join in. "Seventeen so gone!"

He pulled Morrigan to her feet, and Morrigan suddenly couldn't help it anymore. She joined in.

"So pour out some liquor! Make it an, an old fashioned!" 


"Remember your youth and all that you do! The plank and the passion!"

They sang together, the music and laughter filling the room as they danced around to the song. Morrigan pushed all of her insecurities and worries away for a moment, the sounds taking over.

They were the best of times
They were the best of times

Morrigan's face lit up as Jack spun her around. It wasn't the right kind of song for it, but she didn't care.

She was in Jack's arms, happy for once, and that was ok.


~Sorry this is so short. I hope you enjoyed this! The song they're dancing to is Old Fashioned by P!ATD~

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