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~Just a short little story for your enjoyment! :D~


"Give it up Morrigan. It's over."

Squall bent over her, a smirk playing his face.

"It's not-"

"It is. Give. Up."

"No, NO they- they'll come."

"Who will come, Morrigan?" He spat her name like it was a curse. "They're all gone."

Morrigan shook her head. It couldn't be true. "I don't believe you."

"Would you like to see for yourself?"

He didn't give her a chance to respond, but instead held her arm and pulled her beside him.

She tripped over her own feet as he continued to walk despite it.

"Where would you like to start?" Squall's eyes gleamed as he looked around the barren field. Bodies lay strewn at every turn, most so bloody and mauled that they were unrecognizable. 

"Ah how about over here?" He let go of Morrigan and she fell back down to the ground, her legs far too shaky to stay standing. He strode over to one of the bodies and reached out with his foot to turn it over with his foot. 

Morrigan let out a strangled cry as she saw who it was. His black hair stuck up in all different places, and his eyepatch was nowhere to be seen, helping to reveal horrible gashes all along his face.

"Jack-" Morrigan breathed, her chest tightening. She reached out to him, a tear sliding down her cheek, but Squall kicked her hand away.

"Wait here."

As if she could do anything else. She couldn't take her eyes off Jack's limp body. She couldn't make herself move.

She could hear something moving off to one side but couldn't make herself look. Maybe it would come to kill her too. Minutes felt like hours, and yet she kept sitting there. She kept sitting there, staring, listening to nothing. There was no more life, no more feeling.

Morrigan heard footsteps coming up behind her, but she still didn't look.

"Come." Squall's voice pierced the eerie silence. When Morrigan didn't respond, he grabbed her shoulder roughly and forced her up.

"I said come." He snarled and dragged her after him. She didn't focus on where they were going. She could only think about Jack.


He hadn't needed to say anything. She had already seen. She had already fallen to the ground, a strangled scream escaping her mouth. Bodies lay, arranged in a line side by side. "No no no no no no no no."

Morrigan could barely force herself to take in each face, but she did, each one creating a deeper cut in her heart.

Fen, her body still and twisted in an unnatural position, the blood barely visible amongst her dark fur.

Jupiter, his eyes still open, staring at nothing, all the sparkle and glamour of him gone.

Hawthorne, so unnaturally lifeless and motionless, a hint of a smile still playing at his lips.

Cadence, her dark braid strewn across the ground, her face as solemn as ever, but drained of all life.

Miss Cheery, covered with dirt and grime, her finger just brushing Roshni's, who was lying next to her, as though fate had planned it.

"See?" She could hear the smugness in Squall's voice, and she couldn't handle it. She couldn't.

Unit 919, all dead, laid next to each other. Lam, Anah, Thaddea, Arch, Mahir. The entire Deucalion family, dead. 

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" She shrieked, lashing out at him.

"What have I done?" Squall laughed, taking a step back. "Morrigan, my dear, this was all you."

"No, it's not true! It was you! You killed them! And you- you lined them up like this! YOU'RE A MONSTER!"

"No. They're all dead, Morrigan, and you're the only one to blame."

Morrigan let out a cry and rested her head on the ground. They couldn't be gone. Not all of them, there had to be some way.

She looked frantically around. Maybe Jack would come running to her, hold her tight, tell her that everything is ok. That he's there. 

Maybe Fen would hiss at her again, telling her to pick up her socks and that if she ever sees Morrigan dropping them carelessly on the floor ever again she'd put bees in her bed. 

Maybe Hawthorne would saunter up, crack a joke and fly away with her to somewhere where they'd all be safe forevermore. 

Maybe Cadence would roll her eyes and tell Morrigan to stop crying, pick herself up, and get over it. 

Maybe Miss Cherry would laugh again, and hold out her biscuit jar, her face full of life and love. 

Maybe Jupiter would hug her again. Maybe he would stay, just for a little bit, and they could be happy... just for a little bit.

"There's no point, Morrigan. It's time to give up."

But they were gone. They were all gone. And they weren't ever coming back. 


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