Time Capsule

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~before we begin... am I sorry? No. Do I regret anything? Nope. Aaaaaaand enjoy! hehe~


Miss Morrigan Crow,

We regret to inform you that one John Arjuna Korrapati has passed away. Attached is a letter that has been instructed to be given to you in his will.


Nevermoor Police Department

Morrigan's hands shook as she read the letter. She already knew what happened, but that didn't make it hurt any less. At first, she had refused to believe Jupiter, but then she met his eyes and saw the pain there, and her whole world started to collapse.

This was confirmation. Stupid, bloody confirmation telling her that he was never coming back. Ever. A second piece of paper dropped out of the envelope, and Morrigan reached out to read it. She nearly dropped it upon catching a glimpse of his elegant handwriting, but forced herself to read it, knowing she would be much worse off if she didn't.


Oh god how she wished she would hear him say her name again.

I first need to say I'm sorry. I'm sorry for the pain you're experiencing right now, and I'm sorry that I'm not there anymore to help you get through it. I know you wouldn't appreciate me writing a big, long, sappy letter that would probably make you cry even more than you are right now (I see right through you, don't lie), so I'll keep this short. I know that you loved me enough to miss me even more, there's no changing that, but please don't be sad forever. You know I don't want that. I love you, Mog, and I don't want you to suffer because of me, so move on. Keep me in your memories, but don't hold on.

Remember that chest I kept in my room, the big wooden one that I would never let you look inside of? Well, I'm giving you the key to that. You'll find out soon enough what it contains, and I hope that it will leave you feeling bittersweet.

I loved you to the ends of the earth and back, but it's time to put that on hold. My one wish for you is to thrive and be happy, so go and live your life without me.



Tears were falling steadily by the time Morrigan finished the letter, and she held it away from her body to keep it from being ruined. How did he expect her to move on from him? After everything they went through, everything they experienced side by side.

With a half sob, half chuckle, Morrigan picked up the small key that had also been inside the letter.

She remembered him teasing her, waving the key in her face before snatching it away, claiming that the contents of the chest were 'private' and that he would share it with her when he was ready. Morrigan would always complain that she was ready, when would he be? Why couldn't she see?

Well now it seemed that Jack was ready, and she wasn't sure she would ever be.


The door to Jack's bedroom door slowly creaked open, and Morrigan winced at the sight displayed before her. It was like he never left, everything untouched and in its place.

The only change to the room was the musty scent that had taken over due to a lack of circulation, and the plant on the window sill.

The plant, what kind exactly, Morrigan could not say, Jack had told her thousands of times before, but Morrigan could never remember, was looking rather brown and sad after being neglected for so long. Jack had named it 'Fenestra' or 'Nessy' for short, claiming them to be identical, seeing as though they were both quite prickly.

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