Dragon Riding

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~I don't really know how dragon-riding works. Also, I'm not sure if the dragon-riding arena is enclosed or not... but just go with it. There are a few tweaks and things that aren't really canon but... please don't kill me. Thank you and enjoy~


Morrigan looked up from her timetable. "What classes do you have this afternoon?" She asked the other two sitting with her.

"Free periods!" Cadence grinned.

"I get to spend all afternoon cruising the skies!" Hawthorne grinned back, attempting to imitate a person flying, but instead looking more like a headless chicken.

Cadence sighed. "That sounds nice. I've always wondered what riding a dragon would be like."

Hawthorne perked up. "Why wonder? Why not come this afternoon! I can give you a ride!!"

"No way."

"Oh come ooooon. You have a free period! You have nothing better to do!"

"No. Way."

Cadence turned to Morrigan for support, but she had conveniently disappeared.

Hawthorne put his hands together and began to plead. "Cadence pleeeeease. It'll be so much fun!"

She raised an eyebrow.

"You trust me, don't you?" He asked.

"Well... yeah."

"So trust me on this!! I won't let anything happen to you."

Cadence exhaled in defeat.

"Ok. Fine."

Hawthorne cheered and held out his hand for a fist bump, which she ignored. "See you at 1:00 PM!" He called out, leaving to start preparing.

An hour later, Cadence was standing on the edge of the arena, her stomach churning.

"Are you sure about this?" Morrigan asked from the stands.

She had reappeared a few minutes ago so she could "watch you (Cadence) fall off a dragon for the first time."

"I'm not going to fall off!" Cadence had protested.

"Yeah right. You're in for a bit of a shock if you think that." Morrigan had smirked.

Cadence was highly regretting her decision to let Hawthorne take her anywhere off the ground, and was considering leaving before he noticed she was there when he called out. "Cadence! You're here! I'm all set. Come over and we can get going!"

She walked over to him, grumbling under her breath.

"Don't make me regret this." She glared at him as he helped her up onto the huge beast.

He beamed at her. "Wouldn't dream of it."

He hopped up after her and settled into the saddle, just in front of her.

"If you need to hold onto something, hold onto me, ok? The dragon doesn't like it when you grip the saddle too much."

Cadence rolled her eyes, even though Hawthorne couldn't see her. "Yeah, right."

Without warning, the dragon suddenly took off, soaring up into the sky. Cadence had to bite her tongue to keep from screaming as she looked back down to the arena. It was so small now.

"Don't look down!" Hawthorne cried over the wind.

Too late.

She squeezed her eyes shut, hoping the sick feeling in her stomach would go away. The wind was only slightly filtered by Hawthorne sitting in front of her, and she felt like she was about to fall off.

How long she sat, eyes shut tight, trying to block out what was going on around her, she didn't know. It wasn't until the wind died down a bit, and Hawthorne yelled back at her "You can open your eyes now!" that she finally opened her eyes to take in the sight.

It was beautiful. The city below them was miniature, barely recognisable through the thick fog of the clouds billowing around them.

Cadence felt like she had died and gone to heaven. Her heart soared as they glided through the sky, not a single care in the world.

Hawthorne looked back at her and laughed. "You should see your face! I never thought I'd see Cadence Blackburn smile, and yet here we are."

She smiled wider, not bothering to respond.

He winced. "Also, it's probably not a good idea to try and kill the pilot."

Cadence realised that she was hugging him tightly around the middle in a crushing grip and quickly let go.

She mumbled a quick "sorry" but he didn't seem to hear her.

"Ready?" He shouted.

"For what?"

He didn't answer but instead plunged the dragon straight down. Cadence was absolutely terrified. But she was also on top of the world and was going to make the most of it. So she screeched, letting out all her emotions, not caring at all if anyone heard her.

As the dragon steadied out again, Cadence placed her hands on Hawthorne's shoulders to keep herself steady and stood up in the stirrups, whooping at the top of her lungs. She couldn't see him, but she was positive that Hawthorne was grinning as broadly as her.

Hawthorne started to guide the dragon towards the ground, so Cadence sat back down. She had to admit, she was a little disappointed it was over.

"Are we going back?" She called out.

"Yeah! But we'll do one more thing before we land."

Just as they were nearing the ground, Hawthorne suddenly jerked back. Cadence was not prepared for what came next.

The dragon flipped upside down, and Cadence felt as though everything was happening at half speed. Her hands clutched for something to grab onto, but she was too late. She was sent flying off the back of the dragon and into the air, down towards the ground. She screamed, but she knew Hawthorne wouldn't do anything to help her. He had planned this.

Cadence landed on her back with a thud and wheezed as all the air was knocked out of her lungs. She couldn't be bothered to move. She needed to catch her breath, and all her dignity had already been destroyed, so she lay there. Waiting for what she knew was coming.

It only took a few seconds for Morrigan to make her way over, looming over Cadence, smirking. "I told you you'd fall off."

Hawthorne, who had just landed the dragon and jumped off, also came over. "You should have seen your face!" He cried, wiping tears of laughter from his eyes.

Cadence sighed. "I hate you both."


~I really hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'll try and put another out soon. Have a great ANZAC day! (Yes I know today is the holiday and not the actual day...)~

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