Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

** Two Years Later**

"Come on Holly, were gonna be late for class!!" my best friend Emma called while waiting outside my house.

"Give me a second!" I yelled while slinging my bookbag over my shoulder. See after my slut of a best friend made out with my boyfriend two years ago, i got a new best friend called Emma. She is short with small bouncy curls and bright blue eyes. She has lots of energy and kind of reminds me of a pixie.

I quickly run out the door and jump in her car. "Took you long enough!" she said trying to be angry but ends up smiling.

"Sorry I woke up late" I replied with a sheepish smile, "I stayed up all night watching Matt and Dylan play Wii." Matt is my player of an older brother that all the girls, including Emma, were after. Dylan is Matts best friend, who is also a player and EXTREAMLY hot, but since hes my brothers best friend hes untouchable anyway. Hes also a year older then me and has enough girls his own age to keep him satisfyed. He has black shaggy hair that hangs in front of a pair ocean blue eyes that you could get lost in.

"Im sure you enjoyed that" she said with a wink before running off to put her stuff in her locker. I walked sluggishly behind, in no hurry to get to class.

Suddenly a pair of hands were on my sholders and i jumped up and screamed. 

"Heey babe, jumpy as ever i see" comented a musical voice from behind me.

"Dont call me babe you know i dont like it, and im not that jumpy" I said trying to defend myself, but it was true i have been very jumpy ever since what happened two years ago... No Holly dont think about that!! You dont want to brake down right here. I thought to mself. 

"Whatever you say babe" Dylayn comented with a smirk. Me and Dylan dont go out, but he always calls me babe because he knows it pisses me off.

"I dont have time for this Dylan, I have to get to class." I said exsaporated, but as soon as the words left my mouth the bell rang. Me being the goody two shores i am imediatly ran off to class but not before hearing Dylans joke "Dont run too fast now you might trip!"

Just as i was about to turn arond and tell him off i fell and all my books flew over the floor. I turned back to give Dylan a dirty look and make him help me, but he ran off to class laughing to whole time. 

I sighed and started to pick the papers up by myself when a new voice sounded behind me "Need some help there kitten?" they said with a knowing laugh.

As soon as i heard that voice chills ran down my spine. i turned around hoping that it wasnt true, but when i looked there he was, the gangster who rapped me two years ago. I was about to scream and run away when he put his hand over my mouth and pushed me into a empty classroom.

"You were going to scream were you?" he asked in a teasing tone "because that would get me in trouble, and if im in trouble, your not going to like what i do to you"

He looked me up and down a few times, a lustful look in his eyes, "You know, your way hotter then you were 2 years ago. Maybe i should just use you again" he comented while gripping my ass hard and making me wimper for him to stop. 

"Oh you dont like that, how about this?" he asked then smashing hislips hard onto mine. i sqwirmed trying to get away but couldnt. He fanailly stoped kissing me and said "Dont worry i wont do anything to you now, so just run off to class, but if you tell anyone about me ill make them and you regret it." He satrted but pull away but first said "Oh andmy names Evan. Have a nice day Holly" With that he pushed me out th door and disapeared down the hall.

I stumbled through the halls to my class and made up some lame exuse for being late. I sat down next to Emma and couldnt stop thinking of how my worst nightmare, the reason i woke up crying every night, was in my school and wanted me back.

"Hello! Anyone in there" Emma said whle subtlly waving her hand in front of my face. 

"Sorry Em i blacked out" i said shakily  "What were you saying?"

Thankfully she didnt notice my shakyness and exclaimed "I was talking about the mega hot maco new guy in school that moved here today. Thats what everyones talking about"

My face frooze. I thought he just came here to get me, i didnt know he was acuallly enlisted in our school!! Hopfully she was talking about a completly different hot guy who was nice and didnt want to rape me. That was possible, right?

"W-what does he look like?" i stuttered praying to god we were talking about  different guys and that Evan wasnt a student here.

"Well he has the most amazing emeald green eyes that you could get lost in, and blond hair not too long but long enought that he can do that sexy hair flippy thing, and best of all is his delisous abs and muscles!!" she gushed, oblivous to my terrified expression.

This cant be!! My mind was screaming at me, but of course it was because no other guy ould look like him. All douts flew out of my mind when he walked in the class room smirking at me before telling the teacher he couldnt find the class room and sitting right behind me.

"Hello kitten, did you miss me?" he wispered in my ear when the girls were finished gawking at him and stared gossiping.

I ignored him then and for the rest of the day, as he kept giving me secretive smiles and the girls kept gossiping and staring. It was lunchtime now and as me and Emma and the rest of our frineds sat down at our table i felt someone tap my shoulder "Can i sit with you guys?" Evan asked smirking at my panicked look.

Before i could object Emma yelled enthusiasticly, "Yes, please, sit right here!" she pointeed between me and her. 

"Thanks" he said politly before he sat down and stared flirting shamlessly with every girl at the table.

After lunch i went up to Emma and warned her  "I dont really like Evan much, i think  you should stay away from him."

"Whats not to like?! Hes totally hot and nice and smart!" she said suprised.

"He just gives me the creeps, ok? So can you stop flirting with him?"

"I'll try but i cant prosmise you anyhing, because hes just FINE!!" she exclaimed winking at me.

I sighed while walking away thinking, this is goning to be harder then i thought. 


Heey guys!!

Sooo what do you think about the characters so far?? 

I tryed to describe the people the best i could but im not good at describing people so sorry if you dont get itt!

Anywho plz Comment\Vote\Fan!! :D

<3 Alexis4815

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