Chapter 5

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"Well where are you taking me?" i asked even more fustrated.

He stopped and looked me right in the eyes "My place. I wasnt gonna take you yet, i wanted to tease you a while first, but you look so sexy right now i just cant resist" he replyed raking his eyes over my body.

I stated to really panic then, thinking of any way to stall him while tears welled up in my eyes. "What about my clothes? Shouldnt i get dressed first?" I asked trying to walk back in my bedroom.

"Trust me kitten, you look better this way" He smriked pulling me out the door, with me sobbing and trailing behind him. 

Chapter 5

He shoved me roughly into the car a pulled out of the driveway quickly, with me sobbing and begging him to let me go. After five minutes i figured out that begging wasnt going to work, so i looked around for anything else that might help me. I could find anything so i settled for bagging my fists against the window with all my might, willing it to break, so i didnt have to go anywhere with this ass.

Suddenly the car jerked to the side, making my head bang against the window. Evan turned around and gave me a murderes glare before slapping me across the face. I screamed in pain earning me another slap. 

"Shut up before i have to shut you up myself!" Evan yelled at me before turning around and starting the car. I was shocked into silence. I know i shouldnt be suprised because, after all, he was a gangster, but shouldnt even gangsters have a little compassion? I gess not seeing as how hard he hit me.

I brought my hand up to my face and winced. The full amount of the pain was starting to register and i had to grit my teeth to keep from yelling in pain, in case he would hit me again.

The ride was another half hour and i stayed silent during the whole ride, just looking out the window through teary eyes, hoping that where we were going wasnt too bad.

When we pulled up to the place all hopes flew out the window. It was an abandaned factory buliding in the middle of the abandaned side of town, the door was amost off the hindges andall the windows were smased in. Well isnt this just loveley, i thought to myself, before the door next to me got ripped open. I looked up to see Evans smiling face.

"Have a good look around kitten, because this is your new home." Evan said smirking while pulling me out of the car. I stumble a little before righting myself and looking around. There didnt seem to be any human life withen a ten mile radius of this place. I cursed myself silently before looking up to swee where Evan was taking me. 

Just as soon as i looked up i realised we were at the door and he was yanking it open. I decided it was worth one more try to pursuade him to take me home. Can you please take me home? You've had your fun with scaring me and hurting me so can i just go?" I looked into his eyes pleading for him to say yes.

Instead an amused look appeared on his face as he said, "You think your scared and hurt now? You dont even know what being scared and hurt is yet." With that he opened the doors to my own personal hell.

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