Chapter 14

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He started to drag me back to the bedroom, but i lashed out, "No!"

"Its either that or join him and die with him." Evan replyed. I looked at Deven and he was pleading at me with his eyes to just do what Evan says and not get hurt. My shoulders sagged and Evan took that as a win, "Well thats a good girl. Come on now." Evan said dragging me to my bedroom for hours of sex, but all i could think about was what was going to happen to Deven.

Chpater 14

Its been weeks now and im still in this horrible place. I would've tried to escape weeks ago, but i cant leave Deven. He was willing to risk his life to help me escape so i cant just leave him here to face Evan when he needs me the most. Evan has been more violent and stricter then usual, Making me clean the whole house, make the food and when someone gets hurt and can feed themselves i have to feed it to them. He punches me every chance he gets, and lately hes been bringing random guys into the house for e to have sex with for money, so basically im a prostitute.

"Holly!" Evans voice breaks me out of my thoughts. "Come down here and cook us some food!"ugh I hate cooking for them! They always stare at me and occationally they even make me take my clothes off. I guess i should be used to that kind of treatment by now, but im pretty sure that even if i stayed here all my life i would never be used to it.

"Coming!" I shouted down to Evan, while getting up out of bed. I havent got much sleep at all and this deffinitally wasnt helping it.

I walked down into the kitchen and was immediately gtted by 5 cold, lustful stares. The new guys we had gotten from the General were meaner and more violent then the others. Where the old ones would just stare, make rude comments and occationally have sex with me, with these guys i found myself having sex with at least 2 of them a day, and they were very violent if i didnt do exactally what they wanted or if i messed something up.

"What would you guys like for breakfast?" I asked in an overly sweet voice, just hopeing they were in a good mood today. I opened the fridge and bent over to get some food out of it.

"I want a piece of that ass" One of the more creepy ones said. My cheerful attitude vanished.

"Ugh! Please just let me finish breakfast without wanting to punch one of you!" i hissed not in the mood to put up with their bullshit this early in the morning.

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