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Bold Italics- Felix's thoughts

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

It's funny, Felix thought, as his hands were mercilessly tied behind his back and shoved roughly into the back of what he assumed was a carriage of some sort. He couldn't tell with his eyes forcibly covered, the blindfold tight enough to give him a maddening headache for what he hoped would only be a few hours at most.

This is funny, was Felix's last thought before he saw stars, and then nothing.


The blonde came to in confusion.

Where am I?

The hefty weight of panic settled on top of his chest, making it harder for him to breathe, as each second passed.

Breathe. Panicking will get you no-where Felix.

After getting his breathing and muddled thoughts in order, he realised that he was no longer blindfolded, nor was he in the carriage. The last thing he remembered was feeding an injured pup on his daily walk in the forest his miniature cottage was situated. Felix had accidently stumbled across an injured coyote whilst on his way to find a few herbs he was running out of, and decided to help the poor thing and fed it some dried meat he carried in his pouch that hung off of his belt.

And in his occupied daze ( you can't blame him, the pup was too adorable to ignore, and Felix did not have the heart to put it out of misery), Felix failed to recognise an unfamiliar scent stalking up behind him.

The next thing he knew he was attacked, which leads us to the present.

This is very funny, Felix thought again, and snickered in disguised displeasure, as familiar memories resurfaced.


Felix was numb the day before his banishment. He was numb ever since his second gender was revealed. He was tired. He was so exhausted from shedding tears on people who he believed cared for him. It was almost as though his body had an endless store of tears, as if it knew this day would come.

He had no control of what went down. And Felix hated not having a choice. As an omega, he was forced to follow those above him in strength and in class. He had no choice but to let his parents control all his decisions in his 18 years of living. Was he even living? Or simply alive? A mere puppet. The blue eyed omega scoffed at the thought. How pathetic have I become.

But the boy had hope (how naïve). He thought he could take it- the multitude of inappropriate touches from alphas with egos that could probably reach the abode of God, the slurs, the insults for being an omega (if Felix had a choice, he would have chosen to be a beta, weak yet strong, harsh yet gentle), the days he spent locked away in his room in pain simply because his biology said so. He thought he could take it until he found his mate, the one he thought would whisk him away into paradise.

Or simply, away from this hellfire.

But even his choice to choose his own mate was stolen from him. Now that he looks back, Felix should not have been shocked- his 'parent' always decided for him- what to wear, how to speak, what he'd eat that day to keep his lithe figure "perfect for the alphas", as his mother told 15 year old, starved Felix. He shouldn't have been surprised when his father knocked on his room door, the day before his 18th, to tell him that he will be mated to the alpha from a neighbouring pack to form an allegiance.

A pack that was known to neglect and abuse omegas.

So, for the first time in his life, he fought back. He said no.

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