By My Side

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Thoughts= Bold italics

"Italics"= mind-linking

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

It was Minho's birthday.

Felix had to wrestle his way out of Chan's arms to get up early so he could wrap up Minho's gift in a burlap gift bag he had sewn together and to put together a fancy breakfast for him and the pack.

He silently thanked his pup for giving him a break from making the content of his stomach meet the toilet as he prowled his way to the kitchen, hoping not to wake anyone up.

The omega had quite a few things on mind to make; a cake (vanilla with caramel is the alpha's favourite according to Jisung), breakfast (which will most likely become brunch seeing as the pack had a late night in) and if he had time, prepare for dinner.

It's a good thing the moon has yet to sleep.

Stretching his muscles, Felix shook away traces of sleep that clouded his sight, rubbed his growing belly and got started on the cake.

However just as Felix had set the cake batter to start baking, he was startled by a pair of hefty arms wrapping around his waist, palms interlacing under his pregnant belly, but Felix focused on shutting the oven before turning around in his mate's arms.

"What are you doing awake Channie?" His own petite hands cupped Chan's cheeks, making the sleepy alpha close his tired eyes and lean against his palm. "It's still early. Go back to sleep sweetheart."

"Why aren't you in bed?" Chan croaked, lips barely parting to let his words escape. 

"Well," Felix turned back around, waddling to the sink, Chan still attached to him, to start cleaning up. "I'm making Minho hyung a cake."

"Sit down mírë, let me do it," the alpha moved Felix towards the small Island in the kitchen before turning to the sink. But Felix chuckled as he watched Chan stumble with sleep, and rub his eyes like a toddler.

"I think you're the one who needs to sit down Channie."

"No I'm fine, you rest for a bit. Besides, your ankles are starting to swell up again."

Felix didn't even notice. He smiled at how attentive his sweet mate was. He could use a break.

So he stared at his alpha's toned, bare back- his scars were very much visible, and had only closed up moderately, but after applying the lotion Felix made regularly, the alpha no longer spent his days in pain. His eyes travelled up to Chan's flexing muscles as he washed the dishes, and then down to the hem of the grey pajama pants that hugged the alpha's muscular legs perfectly.

Felix really lucked out. 

He is one sexy alpha.

His own legs were swinging as he sat on the high chair, chin resting on his palm and a cheeky but small grin drawn on his face.

"Maybe I should help you practice how to control your mindlink a bit more."

Felix tilted his head unconsciously, confusion apparent in his expression. "Why?"

Chan still had his back facing Felix, drying his hands on a towel. "One sexy alpha yeah?" Felix flushed heavily, squealing in embarrassment, making the purple haired alpha snort. "You didn't seem this shy to check me out either."

"Shut up!"

Instead of replying, Chan strode towards the blonde and lifted him up onto the top of the counter, parted the latter's legs and made himself comfortable between them, massaging the omega's fleshy thighs. "You're so cute." He nuzzled into his mark on the left of Felix's neck before tilting his head up to give the other eskimo kisses and pecking his button nose. "You can look at me all you want ginig, I don't mind."

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