I endure the pain, I try to be strong

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Thoughts= Bold Italics

"Mind-linking"= Italics

⚠️!content warning!⚠️- gore, torture scenes, hinted non-con, can be very triggering

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Felix was drenched in ice cold water, shoulders dislocated long ago or so he thinks- his sense of time was clearly impacted by the lack of light and the intense pain overriding his every sense.

Had it been an hour now? Maybe two?

There was so much blood he couldn't even tell where all of it was coming from. Or maybe it was just the blood that dripped into his eyes that made him see red and make him think he was bleeding through every pore.

He remembers dropping unconscious twice, each time being shocked awake with a splash of freezing, murky water.

The first time he blacked out was when Dong Chul stabbed him below his dislocated shoulder- a white searing pain so overwhelming his body shut down. The alpha's were merciless when it came to beating him up, and Felix could no longer comprehend what Dong Chul asked him. But this just made the pack leader angrier, and in turn, increasingly aggressive.

When he was forced into consciousness, the jagged knife was no longer embedded deep into his shoulder, but the flesh was marred and oozing thick, crimson liquid which painted half his torso.

Felix's throat was heavily damaged and he wondered if he'd ever be able to talk normally ever again. But not after being strangled multiple times, each time losing more oxygen than the previous, as the grip around his neck tightened.

"I'll ask one more time, Felix. Where. Is. The. Vial?"


The vial.

When Felix had freshly turned seventeen, he (after years of research, trial and error and even more extensive research) somehow, managed to create a type of elixir that could burgeon a creature's abilities.

But it was too dangerous to use on alphas and betas, their genes much too dominant, but an omega's much too recessive.

But new born wolves were the perfect candidate as their wolf genes would adapt to the change.

And when Dong Chul had heard about the elixir, his cruelty proffered and he had to get his hands on it.

Felix was far from dumb.

So when his so called father sold him off to another alpha at the fertile age of eighteen, he knew he had to destroy the elixir.

Gasping for breath, but chocking on a mixture of blood and saliva, Felix rasped out "g-got rid o' it."

This earned him a punch in the gut, strong enough to make him throw up the little bile left in his stomach.

Whipping Felix's head up by tightly clutching onto his blonde hair and causing the pale wolf to wince loudly, Dong Chul spoke between gritted teeth. "Well you best figure out how to get it back before I let these two have their way with you."

No one needs to know what he really did with it.

He let go of Felix harshly and backed off, ignoring his gasped pleads as the two nameless alphas smirked at him, a psychotic glint of lust gleaming in their eyes.

The door shut loudly, leaving him with the alphas.

If this is what I have to endure, then so be it.
No one needs to know what I really did with the elixir.


It had been exactly seven excruciatingly long hours since Felix went missing and there was only a single, trivial lead that could tell them where he could be.

Minho and Changbin had done their best in tracking down Felix's scent, but both his scent and trail were infested with some type of drug, making the hard task of trailing the omega, that much more strenuous.

Seungmin was stuck with Jisung and Hyunjin, trying his best to convince the two that there was nothing the two could have done to prevent this. They didn't know.

Jeongin wouldn't stop clinging onto Seungmin, practically a koala hugging his tree (the sight was endearing, but Seungmin's arm was about to fall off).

But Chan was suffering the most.

He had probably ripped out more hair in these seven hours than he has in his entire life.

His eyes were red and sore from shedding tears- both from anger and despair (being the only two emotions he could differentiate from his turmoil).

He was alone in their tent, staring blankly at an overview of wolf packs, the map whispering no clues to the exhausted alpha.

It was only when Minho burst through the entrance did Chan look away, hoping for anything to change his mood.

Any good news will do.

He just wants Felix back.

Puffing and sweating slightly, Minho jogged up to Chan.

"Changbin's found a lead on Felix again. And you were correct," glancing at Chan from the corner of his eyes, Minho extended a claw to cut a cross on the map. "It was the two  who trailed you from Felix's house."

Chan grunted.


"Where what?"

"Where have they taken Felix?"

Hesitating, Minho replied, "I- From the route they've taken, the only place Felix could be right now, is here." He pointed at the 'x' he made with his claw. "Dong Chul's pack."

The growl that ripped past Chan's lips was deafening, a promise of death ringing silently through the night.

He will kill everyone who touched his omega.

He will put an end to the wolves who hurt their future Queen.

A promise of a King.

Understanding that he was now in the presence of Chan's wolf, Minho informed him of how they should move as a pack.

"Alpha, we must leave now, before Felix is put in even more harms way. Our pack is ready whenever you are."

"We leave now.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

the chapter is a little short,, sorry

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