I can't sleep, so tell me

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Thoughts- Bold Italics

"mind-linking"- Italics

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Chris was a light sleeper.

He always has been, even before his alpha genes kicked in at the tender age of 10. But the never-ending pain of the curse placed on him always kept him awake. The years living with it has definitely made it easier for him to cope- he didn't want to recall the first few weeks he spent bedridden and quivering in pain as his pack members tried so hard to figure out what was wrong with him.

But that's a story for another time.

He heard Felix's heart rate increase slightly as he woke from slumber and he heard him whine softly from the overwhelming heat radiating from the bodies piled around him (Chan has gotten used to it, considering he gave off the most heat) and he heard him make his way out of the pile as sly as possible- the omega wasn't, but the effort was cute (he could already envision the pout on his concentrated expression). He also heard Felix sigh contentedly before dozing off, his wolf less on alert as the omega found comfort once again.

His wolf was acting so weird. But then again, any normal soul would be defeated by the omega's starry complexion- flawed flawlessness that only Felix could pull off.

Not even a day and completely whipped. You have a reputation to hold Christopher.

Chris was grateful for his heightened hearing abilities -but not when his pack members went at it like rabbits, and he picked up on the purple eyed omega's quickened breathing and the whines that evolved into throaty screams as he tossed and turned. 

Apparently he wasn't the only one who heard him, as he felt Minho shift besides him and blink his eyes wearily. The orange haired alpha looked around, nosing at Chan's neck in greeting before his eyes laid on the shivering omega lying a few feet away from us. 

What he wasn't expecting to happen was his eyes to shift to a clear white, iris no longer visible under the cloudy cover as his eyes laid on Felix.

Fuck, usually he could control it...

Jisung, sensing his mate's state, stirred and rubbed away the  sleep from his eyes before understanding that Minho was seeing something. 

As gently as he could, Chan untangled himselfas fast as he physically could without waking the rest of his pack and rushed towards the omega knowing Minho was in good hands.

But there was no helping Minho until it stopped.

Trying to wake the blonde up was difficult, so Chris resorted to tenderly slapping his cheeks in order to rid the omega of his nightmare. 

He was covered in sweat, hair dishevelled, eyes shut tight and lips trembling as tears constantly dripped down his cheeks, disappearing into his hairline.

Was this normal for him? He couldn't stop the rising sympathy within him. 

He must be hurting.

Felix woke abruptly, heaving as he pushed himself up and tried to crawl backwards, away from the alpha.

Chan's hand shot up to try and calm him down but the boy recoiled harshly and curled in on himself, whines being cut off by the breaths that he was forced to take.

He was going to faint if he carried on breathing like this.

To make matters worse, a choked scream from behind the head alpha made him turn away from the freckled boy, only to see Minho with tears falling down his face rapidly and a very distressed Jisung being hugged by Changbin and Seungmin, but at least his eyes were no longer foggy.

Knowing Min would be fine, Chan turned back to the wailing figure on the ground.

Without touching him, the purple haired alpha tried speaking to him gently but he was clearly too far gone to understand.

His whines now came out in short gasps, his body clearly not getting enough oxygen as he paled drastically.

Natha tel'quiet arsurinya*

Before he could even think of what to do next, the omega fell unconscious, eyes rolling to the back of his head.

Trying not to panic, Chan instantly calmed himself down before placing the omega in a much more comfortable position. Then he rushed back to Minho, his open wounds crying out but his wolf and instincts screeching louder.

"H-hyung alp- alpha that boy- the bo-"

"Min, I need you to breathe.

Míria sen, maer*,

keep breathing, you're doing so well for us."

Once Minho caught his breathe, he immediately sought out his mate, making Changbin hand Jisung over quickly before the alpha got worked up again.

An angry Minho was a force to be reckoned with.

"Do you want to tell me what's wrong Min? Can you do that without working yourself up again, atandil*?"

It was clear to Chris that whatever he saw was to do with the unconscious boy behind him.

"I saw his- Felix's dream. His nightmare."


"It's - I am in no position to share what I saw b-but," he took a deep breath in, as tears flooded his eyes once again and he looked at me helplessly,

"We have to help him, please."


Chan's POV:

By the time Felix woke again, Changbin, along with his mate and Seungmin, had returned with a few small prey, enough to feed the lot for the morning.

However this time, he woke slowly and with a much more calm aura, albeit confused.

He sat up slowly, wincing, probably from sore muscle pain, and turned towards the 7 of us who sat observing him, muscles tensed.

Fuck, he's so so pretty.

Taking initiative, I decided to greet him, hoping to shake him into awareness a bit more.

" Morning melda*"

"Huh? Goo- mornin'..."he mumbled, voice raspier than usual. The confusion was apparent across his face and I couldn't help but chuckle slightly at the endearing expressions of the omega.


From the corner of my eye, I noticed how Jisung got up to greet him, taking a hold of his wrist and dragged him towards us.

I didn't miss his subtle flinch or the way he pulled his bottom lip under his teeth in anxiety.

Something was definitely wrong.

It was Hyunjin who spoke up next, worry in his eyes but smile gentle and warming.

"Felix, you feel better now?"

The boy simply tilted his head.

"W-why? Did somet-thing  happ-happen?"

Humming in agreement, Hyunjin continued, "you fainted.  We think you had a nightmare..? And Alpha tried to wake you up but...yeah"

"O-oh. I'm OK! Please don't worry about me!" The pretty omega smiled rigidly, hoping to fool the lot.

It wasn't working.

Especially not after Minho begging for us to help the omega.

The alpha who was quiet this entire time, finally spoke.

"Felix." He stood as he spoke, kissing Jisung on the forehead quickly before facing the omega. "Come. We must talk."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Natha tel'quiet arsurinya- help me God
Atandil- friend/comrade
Míria sen, maer- like this, good
Melda- dear
Vanima- beautiful

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