I Love You

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Hyunjin really came back with a bang
I'm so proud of him- he's so talented and deserves the entire world

Thoughts= Bold italics

"Italics"= mind-linking
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Some days ambled by like years, whilst some felt like mere seconds, but each passing day meant they were closer to the arrival of their pup.

To say the couple were thrilled would be an understatement.

Since Felix entered his third trimester, Chan couldn't help but notice how radiant the other looked- radiant, resplendent, healthier, happier, and it was all the purple haired alpha could ask for. Especially since the pregnancy no longer drained the younger wolf with the usual symptoms.

But he did complain about the little one kicking often, but Chan could tell Felix truly did not mind, even when they kept him up all night.

On those nights, Felix would sit on the window bay and bathe in the moonlight whilst reading a bedtime story out loud, calming the active pup. (Their baby loved the sound of Felix's voice and ever since Chan told Felix that the pup's heartbeat would rise and then quell whenever he spoke, the alpha would always find the omega talking to the pup- the sight never failed to make his heart flutter). Chan would sit on the floor, back against the wall with the bay, head resting in the other's lap and Felix's legs thrown over his shoulders so that he could massage the omega's feet whilst leaving featherlight pecks along his calves.

All in all, Chan loved pregnant Felix.

But right now Chan may or may not regret impregnating the omega.

Especially with the curse words and insults being thrown at him from behind his room door.

It was normal for Felix to have contractions during his last trimester, but today, the omega was in even more discomfort than usual and from the slightly tangy hints in the other's scent, Chan figured today was The Day.

So here they were, Felix in his room (because the alpha's scent is supposed to help the younger since Chan couldn't be present whilst he gave birth), with Jisung and Hyunjin aiding him through the birth and Chan pacing up and down outside his door, combing through his hair too often.

"Fucking shit! I dare you- to bring your- dick near me again!"

Chan winced.

Changbin snickered.

"You laugh at me now, but this will be you in a few months." The comment made Changbin silence himself immediately.

Last week, Hyunjin told the pack that he had some news to share when they were all eating. What they weren't expecting was for the beta to drop the news of his pregnancy as if it was nothing special, and continue eating, oblivious to the shocked expressions of everyone around him.

By the flabbergasted expression portrayed by Changbin, Chan figured this was news to the alpha as well as the rest.

But the stunned silence was shattered by Felix squealing happily and waddling over to Hyunjin to give him the biggest hug.

"Tell me why I can't be in there when Felix is giving birth to our son, again?" Sure the omega would probably kill him right now if he saw the alpha, but being out here was torture.

"Hyung. If you go in there, your alpha wolf would NOT like the sight of Ji and Jinnie touching your mate-" Chan involuntarily growled at Minho's words, before he realised what he was doing and shut his mouth tightly. "See?" 

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