I'm just lonely, somebody reach out and hold me

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Thoughts- bold Italics

"Mind-linking"- Italics
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

When Felix woke from his gratifying sleep, the first thing he laid his eyes on were the heterochromia pair that belonged to Chan who in turn, greeted him with "Calan vaer*"

Whatever that means...

Sleep still weighing down his eyes, Felix examined his surroundings and noticed that everyone was still overpowered by Morpheus except for Changbin and Minho who were nowhere in sight.

Rubbing the fuzzy haze away, Felix was hit with the events that unfolded the day before and was suddenly filled with elation.

I get to grow new plants and start on a cure for Chan!

"You're filled with a lot of energy for someone who just woke up, vinimo*" Chan spoke, tone filled to the brim with fondness and amusement. The little one was too cute for him to handle this early in the morning. Particularly the sleepy expression he was initially met with- the gentle, sleepy smile, his eyes closed and his nose slightly scrunched.

"Hm," the omega simply hummed in reply before pointing at the pack house, silently asking for permission to get ready for the day.

"You don't need to ask," replied the other, sitting up himself and stretching his muscles, hearing a satisfying click from his joints.

When Chan turned around, he was met with the omega waddling away.


Today was the day of the week where they'd all sit as a pack and talk about 'formal pack stuff' as the youngest beta had described it to Felix.

When Seungmin had come to collect Felix, the other was covered in dirt, and was squatting down completely, digging a pit to plant another herb.

From the cleaned state of the garden, and the multiple dents in the soil, Seungmin knew the other has been at it since breakfast. It was way past four in the evening now.

But the blonde beauty was yet to notice his presence, too focused on taking care of his garden of baby plants. His feet were bare and covered in damp soil, the leg of his trousers were rolled up to his knees, the same predicament taking place with the sleeves of his brown shirt that was tucked in messily.

The beta couldn't help but frown at the other's state- he wasn't one for mess.

In fact, he was the 'clean-freak' of their pack, always keeping his space organised, and often berating the others for being a little too in touch with their animal side.  It irked Seungmin to no end when any of his members returned with their wolf coat slathered in mud and grime.

Not wanting to startle the concentrated blonde, Seungmin gently cleared his throat, gaining his attention.

"Felix, hey."

"Hello," replied the other shyly, standing up. This would be the first time they properly interacted after the beta dragged him by the chains when he first got here.

"You should clean up and meet us in the throne room. We have our weekly formal pack stuff today. And you might wanna be there to know how things work around here."

"OK. Thank you for telling me. I'll be there as soon as possible."

The omega didn't look at Seungmin the entire conversation, choosing to scrub at the soil coating his palms.

An awkward silence swallowed the two.

Having enough, Seungmin walked away but not before muttering "I'll see you inside, Felix."


Felix had chosen to leave his leather shoes behind after noticing the entire pack walked with their feet bare. Sure, it would take time for his feet to adjust to the slightly harsh treatment of the forest floor, but he realised he was quite keen on the feeling.

However by the time Felix freshened up and entered the main room, the pack were already seated and patiently waiting for him around a low table made from thick logs.

Sitting between Jisung and Hyunjin (who were imprisoned by their mates), Felix sat opposite to Chan who smiled warmly at him before finally addressing the room.

"Right. We should get started. First and foremost, we have two weeks to prepare for the annual Luna Festival. Do you all know what you are doing to prepare? You all have the same duties to carry out as last year."

Felix has only ever heard about the infamous event. He wasn't allowed to attend when he was in his old pack, but he did get the entire pack house to himself for the three days which he has always been grateful for.

All he knows is that all packs were invited to celebrate the beginning of wolf kind under the full moon. The location changes every year, depending on where the moon will be shining the brightest, and it was three days full of alcohol, intimacy and bonding with loved ones. And if he remembers correctly, there is also a formal greeting that's held on day one, where the packs would gather and interact, form allies and more before they separated into their packs under the same sky.

"Hyung, where is it this time?" questioned Hyunjin.

"Up north, closer to the northern wolf packs..."

It was only when Chan said this that Felix realised that he might- most definitely- will see his old pack. His muscles tensed and the others noticed as his scent spiked.


Realisation hit Minho.

"Oh...Felix you don't have to come-"

"N-No! I want to, b-but it'll be the first time I go."

"But what about your old pac-"

"It's fine! There would be a lot of wolves r-right? So-so the chances of me meeting them can't be that high," Felix cut in.

It was clear the rest were confused with the conversation between the two Lees.

"Wait. Why should his old pack care? It's been years and besides, we can just scent you so they think you are part of our pack and that means they won't hurt you unless they wanna deal with us!" argued the youngest, getting agitated by the thought of his new hyung being uncomfortable. "I'll protect you Lix hyung!"

Soft chuckles filled the room at Jeongin's words, and Felix himself couldn't help but turn into a puddle at the other's attempt at consoling his anxiety. Jeongin was too adorable for his soft heart.

"Thank you, Jeongin," said Felix, voice dripping with affection for the youngest. He received a toothy smile and in return, gave one back.

He didn't catch Chan's soft 'wow' when he smiled at the other and he definitely missed the captivated look in his eyes.

Blinking away his endearment,  Chan directly addressed the omega this time. "Hmmm, well there isn't much to tell you. It would be better for you to experience the festival yourself. But make sure to stick close to one of us at all times. We don't want anything bad happening to you, little one."

A warm feeling bloomed in Felix's chest.

"So we are all confident with what we have to do?" This time questioning the other wolves in the room.

The alpha was met with firm nods in return. "Well then, I guess we are done here, unless anyone has anything else they want to share?"

Again, receiving shaking heads, Chan dismissed the lot and watched the omega be dragged by Hyunjin, muttering something along the lines wanting to try doing Felix's hair and makeup in preparation for the party.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Calan vaer- good morning

vinimo- little one/ baby

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