Step out of them voices

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Thoughts- bold Italics

"Mind-linking"- Italics
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Minho softly shut the door behind Felix and turned to see the boy fiddling with his fingers whilst eyeing his beloved cats in wonder. An uncontrollable fond smile made its way across his face as he chuckled softly.

"They don't bite."

Taking his words for approval, Felix's eyes glistened in joy as he waddled closer to the resting cats laid across his bed and kneeled next to them, palms outstretched as a gentle greeting. 

The cats sniffed him before going back to laying in their idle state, unfazed by the newcomer- none but Dori who leaped down with all the grace in the world and curled up in the blonde's lap expectantly.

Minho scoffed in disbelief (and the tiniest bit of jealousy) at his cat's caper (he's actually very soft and will trade the world for all three of them) before making his way and sitting next to Felix on the wooden floor.

The pair sat in silence for a long while, Minho not knowing how to bring up the topic of his sight and more importantly, Felix's dreams, and the purple eyed omega occupied with soothing the feline creature to sleep. 

Quickly losing patience, Minho sighed in exasperation before vocalising.

"So..."This caught the other's attention. Still lost about where to start, Minho decided to stop beating around the bush and blurted it out, "I saw your dream," which wasn't the best idea.

The hand atop of Dori's head paused.

Minho could see the anxiety and dread rise in the omega. 

"H-h-how? Y-you w-what? I don-don't," the omega was cut off by his own rapid breaths escaping his lungs. 

He lifted his head, making eye contact with the alpha who was startled by the tears gathering in the other's doe eyes. It was clear the omega was confused but more evidently terrified.

Instincts kicking in, Minho was quick to swipe away the falling droplets and pet the blonde's ruffled morning hair in hopes of providing even the slightest amount of comfort. Being the second oldest in his pack heightened his parental instincts, which also meant he was used to consoling the younger wolves in the pack.

Not any better than Chan and his dad vibes.

However, Felix evaded Minho's attempt at comfort and cringed away from his extended hand.

The alpha frowned but didn't take it to heart and retracted his arm.

Instead, Minho released calming pheromones that were sure to work on the distressed boy.

"There we go, no one is going to hurt you, omega. Stay calm for me ok?"

The omega simply nodded and brought his tiny fists up to his eyes to rub away the tears.

It took Felix a few minutes to completely regain his composure, but Minho stayed patient, knowing that all of this was new to the boy.

"My bad, I shouldn't have dropped the bomb like that."

"It isn't your fault," the blonde replied with a taut smile.

 Preparing for the complex conversation ahead, Minho continued from where he left off.

"To answer your questions, I have a few perks which came with forming a pack link with an alpha of the original wolf bloodline, and I, a descendent of the Basilisk with wolf blood. To put it simply, Chan is old but devilishly powerful and I'm just not meant to exist and the bond added a little more spice to the equation so here we are."

When Minho looked up, Felix was gapping in awe and a few other emotions that the other wasn't bothered to differentiate. 

"So now I can see people's dreams. I should probably apologise for that, it wasn't intended but I can't control when my perks kick in and it just happened to be you, so I am sorry for overstepping my boundaries."

Felix was surprised to say the least. No one has ever taken the time to apologise to him, yet alone an alpha. But here this stranger was, regretting something he did to Felix when he couldn't even control it.

"You know, you're the first person to ever apologise to me."

The alpha could only stare speechless at the omega at the shocking revelation. "Felix..."

"Thank you, though, for telling me and for-for the apology. But you don't have to worry about any of it, I'm gonna have to go back eventually, I can't sta-"

Jeongin burst through the room without knocking, causing the two in the room along with the three cats to jump.

"Oops- sorry but Channie hyung said to call you both to eat..."

"Jesus fucking Christ! Knock next time unless you want me to stuff you with tissues as well!" 

The white haired alpha just smiled cheekily before running off again.


After a light breakfast, all eight of them made their way inside the lodge, this time occupying the large throne room and seated on the layered pelts. The wolves were sat in a circle of sorts, facing each other and sharing questionable glances at their alpha who was staring at the newcomer, the omega's eyes occupied with his fiddling fingers.

It was only when Changbin cleared his throat quite obviously did Chris fall out of his stupor.

Ignoring his red ears and the snickers of his pack mates, Chan addressed the big elephant in the room.

"So said you were a healer, yes?"

Felix only nodded his head softly, gaze still facing the ground.

"Look at me, ginig," the foreign word made the blonde look up, eyes immediately catching the alpha's heterochromia eyes. "And you say you have no pack... ours does not have a healer, or an omega to balance us. We'd like it if you stayed."

The omega kept silent, taking in what was said, the others looking at him expectantly.

"W-why do you want a healer? I-Is i-it for the curse? Or am I wrong?"

"How did you know it was a curse?" countered the alpha.

"It is the only explanation. Minho told me that you are an original shifter so, so that would mean wounds would- should heal quicker, especially since you are an alpha," the omega cut himself off, doubting his thoughts and looked down again, this time playing with his oversized white shirt.

"Go on."

The omega missed the hopeful looks shared across the room.

"Curses can only be broken with the blood of the one who placed the curse but- but I can help with soothing your wounds, if- if you want."

What the omega wasn't expecting to see when he looked up, was the bunch crowded closer around him with hope shining brightly in their eyes and Chan's eyes boring into him.

"yé mána nalyë, ginig "

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

ginig- little one

yé mána nalyë- what a blessing you are

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