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Sasha's pov:

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Sasha's pov:

"Sash! are you going to wake up or do you want me to bathe you in the bed itself? Wake up! Don't want to be late on your first day, right?"

This cruel human, Ugh. "Oppa, 5 more minutes"
"I know really well about your 5 minutes, get down now, mom is setting up our breakfast"

I got up, arranged my stuff, and went to the bathroom, knowing he was right anyway.

Well, that's my brother, Hyunsuk. Good at everything, and even if I try to deny, the coolest person ever, unlike me.

I'm Sasha, actually an idiot. That would be enough to describe me.

We just moved into the town, because of our dad passing away. Anyways, new school, new place, I'm kinda excited and nervous at the same time.

"Sweetie, I know you don't really like meeting new people, but I hope you'll try to make new friends and be a good girl okay?"
"Yeah mom, don't worry" I smiled.

"Mom, I bet she'll be the one, coming back while crying because of not being able to interact with people, dumbo!" Hyunsuk said laughing as he took away the donut from my hand.

"Give me back my donut Oppa!" I screamed.

We were walking on our way to school. "Oppa, why don't you just drive us to school?"
"See kiddo, first of all, school is on a walking distance, secondly, your fat ass should walk a bit-"
 I tilted my neck and said, "Run. Three, two-"
He ran away. I laughed and started chasing him.

While I was chasing him, I bumped into two guys, they were wearing the same uniform as me.

I bent down to pick up my bag, and my head bumped into one of the guys since he bent down to pick up his donut, which fell. I giggled, resulting in him smiling.

The other guy stated, "Junghwan-ah how much more time are you gonna take, we're already late!"

"Just a minute Doyoung Hyung, I'm sorry..?"
"Oh, Sasha, I'm Sasha, nice to meet you"
"I'm Jungwhan, guess we are in the same school"  he looked at my school uniform, "never saw you before-"
"Doyoung. Let's meet some other time maybe, have a good day,"  he said introducing himself.

He dragged him away. I was confused, people here are- weird.

wait, my weirder brother is nowhere here, I can't believe he left me alone. I wiped my fake tears. I should stop. No one is watching me anyways.

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