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It was no one else but the lonely guy

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It was no one else but the lonely guy.
I don't even know if he's lonely, I should try to get his name. I was all flustered when I saw him looking at me, he seemed shocked too.

I heard a voice from downstairs, "Sash, your friends are here and lunch is ready!"
Wow, it feels so good to hear those words, "friends".
I closed the curtain, smiled awkwardly, and rushed down.

Were these all just coincidences?

I went down to see Hyunsuk Oppa playing billiards with everyone, they all waved at me. So this is how he gets close to people, it's not even been a day and it seems like they've been friends for years.

The giggles and laughter around the house are so healing. I sat down on the couch, Asahi was drawing something. I tried to peep, but he hid it and glared at me.
"Woah Woah, chill I was just wondering what you were drawing, you know what, I can draw fine too!"
"Ohh? Show me then? Show me what you were drawing in the class" He smirked.

"What Sasha? We're in the same class, I definitely know"
"Yeah, never mind, I don't know how to draw, drawing? What is that?" He laughed.
That's so rare. Asahi? Laughing?

Yoshi was looking at us, and he was happy seeing Asahi laughing, and us getting along.

I went to the kitchen to see Mashiho helping mom, and here's this guy, collecting the moms. I waved at him, he smiled in return.

I was roaming around but didn't find the one I came down for. I said, "Hyunsuk oppa, where's-"
"Come eat everyone," Mom said.

We all sat down and everyone finished eating, whereas I didn't even start yet. Hyunsuk said with food in his mouth, "eat!"
"Where's Jihoon? "
"He might not be able to make it"
"Why? He's definitely free!"
"He's not my best friend, you should know"
Rude. I got up without eating, and the bell rang.

"Jihoon-ah! why are you- wait, you?!"
Jeongwoo came behind me, "what are you doing here?"
"I came here to return this," The lonely guy said, holding my panda keychain.

I took it from him, thanking him.
Jeongwoo said, "how did you know she lives here?"
"I live in the house besides," he said, cutely pointing there with his thumb.

I was standing between them, I could feel their fierce eyes on each other and it was getting hot in there, not going to lie.

"What's your name?" I asked.

He was about to answer, Jeongwoo said, "Yedam, Bang Yedam" The guy nodded with a slight smile.

"Thanks, Yedam" I said.

"Who wants some ice cream?" I went inside after hearing Jihoon's voice.

Yedam was still standing there, oh I didn't even ask him to come inside, according to how he looks at Jeongwoo, I don't think he will be coming inside. Jihoon got inside smiling at me.

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