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Sasha's Pov:

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Sasha's Pov:

Jihoon suddenly opened his lunch box, and pulled out a donut, I screamed, but what was weird was, I didn't scream alone-

Junghwan screamed too, we both covered our mouths out of embarrassment.
"Don't tell me you like donuts too, Junghwan.."
He nodded while looking at me with his doe eyes.

I sighed, Jihoon said, "Aw, poor kid, here, you both can share"
I glared at him. "What? you don't wanna share? Okay, then I and Junghwan will have it?" I pouted and turned my face the other way.

"But you're my friend first!"

"Oh so you guys are friends..we thought-"
Someone from beside Hyunsuk Oppa spoke, I looked towards him, disappointed.

It reminded me, how weird I was acting in front of so many unknown people.

I sighed internally, Jihoon rubbed his thumb on my hand and gave me an assuring look. I nodded, stood up, and said, "Hi I'm Sasha! Nice to meet you guys!"

They started laughing, one of them said, "Hyunsuk, she's just like you said. A Weirdo!"

"Nice to meet you, I'm Mashihoanother guy said catching everyone's attention, Jihoon pulled me down to sit. Hyunsuk Oppa was just laughing, I smiled back at Mashiho who was smiling at me.

Suddenly, I heard a feminine voice, "Oh Hyunsukie! You left without telling me!"

Not again, I was already tired of his girlies in the previous school, I and Jihoon looked at each other and sighed.

Junghwan said, "Guys, I'm done, meet you in the class, Sasha! " He ran away like he had stolen something, wait-

"My donut! SO JUNGHWAN!" Everyone in the canteen started laughing. Jihoon said, "yah, sash calm your ass down, it's just a donut, okay"

The girlie went away and Hyusuk Oppa apologized to me, for leaving me alone and to Jihoon for not even greeting him. Hence, introducing the group of friends he made.

Hmm, So, Mashiho is the cute and nice one, Yoshi the cool one like Hyunsuk Oppa, Asahi is the quiet but attractive one. Jaehyuk, the one who sticks to Asahi. Jeongwoo, the cry baby.

Well, what an interesting group of friends. Variety, indeed.

I asked, "Wait, Jeongwoo and Asahi are in my class right?" They nodded.
"So am I considered forgiven?" Hyung asked, I nodded and asked, "Am I and Jihoon considered friends with the group of your friends? Are we all friends?"

I asked excitedly and he nodded. I started chanting, "yay, friends, friends! We're all friends"

It wasn't very common for me to get so many friends on the first day of school, the idea of having friends got me excited, it made everyone else laugh.

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