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Suddenly the power went off, I held Jihoon tight

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Suddenly the power went off, I held Jihoon tight.
"Yah, it's time for Hyunsuk to come," Jihoon said, I realized and released him from my grip.

Everyone started wishing Hyunsuk Oppa, I ran towards him too. The living room was very crowded, he was on the verge of tears, he didn't believe we've prepared him a party.

Yedam was nowhere to be seen. After greeting Oppa, I was lost somewhere as well. I wasn't able to see anyone from the group. Suddenly I heard Jihoon's voice looking for me from the other side of the room.

In the way, I saw Yedam, he was with Rebecca, I didn't feel the need to stop him, I guess that's what he wants.

I was crossing the traffic when I was pushed by someone towards the wall. It was Jihoon, "yah, I finally found you! Let's get out of here" I said.

He was quiet, everything became awkward. He said, "there's literally no space to move sash!"
"It's okay, stay like this, we'll create space"
"I don't want to create space" The silence was, disturbing.

"Isn't this position too awkward?"
"You know what happens in this kind of situation?" He started laughing.

"Ew Jihoon-ah" He experienced a sudden push, causing him to get even closer to me. Gradually, resulting in our lips meeting. Our eyes widened.

Even though it was unbelievable and I felt I was going to disappear from this world, I loved its effect, but it was wrong. I was kissing my best friend.

Jihoon backed away after finding space and looked at me with a worried expression. I stared blankly at him, definitely, it was my first kiss. His first one as well.

He said, "sash, you know it was-" I smiled at him, but ran away pushing people to get rid of embarrassment. Will I be able to face him? Do I like my best friend?

I reached the rooftop while trying to escape, and saw Haruto and Yedam who were right about to kill each other. Wasn't Yedam with Rebecca a while back?

I pushed them away from each other and stood in between them. "Why the hell were you with my girlfriend Yedam!?"
"She was my girlfriend before, I never asked that to you, Haruto!"
"She chose me over you, how is that my fault?"
"and you chose her over your best friend? Really, who are you to ask me anything?"

"Guys, calm down," I said. They looked at me.
"Yedam, you should listen to Haruto's explanation which you never asked for-"

"Woah, so you're at his side huh? You said we were friends, Sasha. Is it my fault to be in love with someone and having Haruto as my best friend then?"
"It's not your fault, but maybe Haruto isn't at fault either, all I'm saying is Rebecca is-"

"Oh shut up Sasha, who are you to say that? Don't you dare say something about Rebecca, she's already been through a lot, first got manipulated by Haruto and now- wait, wait, is it that he manipulated you too? Why is he stealing everyone from me?"

Haruto who was listening silently now said, "Yedam, don't involve her. She is just trying to sort things."
"Wow, look at you two taking sides for each other? What is going on? Sasha, I didn't think you were like this. You know what? You really are an undeserving Heather! "

I couldn't help but cry at his words, his words were too cruel. I closed my ears not wanting to hear him. I couldn't say anything anymore. I fell on the ground and cried.

Yedam went away. Haruto knelt and said with tears in his eyes, "Sasha, come on stop crying. I'm sorry, you don't deserve this. It's all my fault, I shouldn't have helped Rebecca when Yedam wasn't giving her the attention she deserved."

Haruto was pushed away by Jihoon. He saw me crying and made me stand up. Junkyu helped Haruto to get up and he told them everything. Jihoon was so angry, he could kill someone right now.

I held his hand and laid my forehead on his chest, crying. He was loosening up and calming down.

He took me back home, mom asked him, "why? What's wrong with her?"
"Trust me," Jihoon said, she nodded.

He closed my curtains very forcefully making the rod fall on his hand, I came out of my thoughts about what happened and went to him.

I panicked because his hand was bleeding, I started crying even more. I took out a handkerchief from my drawer and tied it on his hand. He looked at it and smiled, "you still have it?" I nodded.

It was the one he gave me when we first met as seatmates and I was crying because he broke my favorite crayons. I started smiling.

He asked, "do you-"
"No I don't regret it, I don't regret giving away my first kiss to the guy who cares the most about me"
"After your brother of course"
"You never forget mentioning him do you?"
"I love you both, can't miss out on any one of you"
"Oh yes come on give me some compliments"

I picked a pillow and hit him, accidentally hitting his hand. I then, held his hand slightly, he was groaning in pain then suddenly started laughing. He signaled me to put my head on his shoulder.

"You're the best Sasha, you are never a Heather for me, everyone might want to become like you, but it is impossible to be you, I've seen you go through so many things and still be you. You should never change, I'll always be beside you, every time"

"You're the best panda, thank you for existing. Thank you for being so warm, start controlling your anger issues"

He giggled.

Sasha was sleeping and Jihoon was talking to Sasha's mom when Hyunsuk came back. "Where's Sash, and why were you guys not present at the cake ceremony?"

He was greeted with a hug by Jihoon, "what's wrong, Jihoon, you already hugged me once"
"What's wrong with more than once? Happy birthday hyunsukiee"
"Thank you, where's my sister now?"
"Trust me"
"Every time. Who else would I trust?"
They smiled at each other.

On the other side, Junkyu was comforting Haruto and Jeongwoo was observing everything happening.

Sasha and Jeongwoo would definitely be having a long talk session the next day, no doubt.

Have a good day! ♡

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Have a good day! ♡


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