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I went to search the whole school, and Jihoon was nowhere to be found

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I went to search the whole school, and Jihoon was nowhere to be found. I went to the canteen, the last place left, and saw Doyoung with Hyunsuk Oppa and his friends, waving at me. I smiled and went towards them.

"How was your sleepover?" I asked with a dull tone.
"Someone is mad," Jeongwoo said, I rolled my eyes.

I saw Junkyu getting bored sitting beside Haruto and his girlfriend getting bored, I jumped high to get his attention and made him laugh. I signaled him to join us to lunch, and it seemed Jeongwoo didn't like the idea but Junkyu was here anyways.

Everyone was looking at me all of a sudden.
"Did you piss him off? or is it a normal bicker this time?" Hyunsuk Oppa asked.

Suddenly a wild Jihoon appeared and started tickling me, everyone looked at us in the most disappointing way possible.

"This is for opening the curtains, yesterday" He laughed.

"Who is this cutie?" He asked pointing at Junkyu, who made a disgusting face.

"Jihoon-ah cuter than me?" Hyunsuk Oppa asked. I started laughing.

Jihoon said, "Wow, Rebecca has a boyfriend?" Pointing at Haruto. Junkyu nodded.

"You know her?" I asked.
"Yes, she was flirting with me in the morning"

Jeongwoo said, "guys, I'm really warning you, don't involve yourself with these people"
Junkyu rolled his eyes.

Everyone, then started talking about the football match.

I looked around in the canteen and noticed Yedam, he didn't have his attention on his food, he was sitting there alone, looking at Rebecca. I could see affection in his eyes, wow, seems so complicated.

I was distracted by the whispers of girls passing by, "wow, I really wanna be in her place, she has every guy we can dream of around her"
"I know right, she looks so good too"
"Maybe it's just because of her brother"
"Look at how every guy looks at her though"

Is it just because of my brother? Do I not deserve these friends?

I was drowning in my thoughts when Jihoon hit my head, "it's because of you, you deserve it", he said. How much more thankful can I be for having him?

"Jihoon-ah Junkyu's just like you"
"Really? I don't think so" Jihoon said.
"Me too," Junkyu said.

Jeongwoo said, "it's been a long time buddy, how's life?"
"Just fine, not the best, because of Rebecca's existence" Junkyu replied.

Who is Rebecca!? Why is she being mentioned so much?

I kinda miss Junghwan, since now I am eating the donut by myself. I didn't mean to, but I was not able to take my eyes off Yedam, who was staring at Haruto and Rebecca.

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