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Thinking about going to the cafe, I called Jeongwoo and asked, "would you come with me?""I don't think we should gang up there sash, I guess you should go alone""I guess you're right"

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Thinking about going to the cafe, I called Jeongwoo and asked, "would you come with me?"
"I don't think we should gang up there sash, I guess you should go alone"
"I guess you're right"

I got a text,

The lonely guy
=Hi, it's Yedam!=

=hi, how are you?=

The lonely guy
=Just wanted to know, we're cool right?=

=Oh yeah, just don't cry=

The lonely guy
=Yay! and Yes, I won't!=

I miss talking through the drawing file though. I went down to see Hyunsuk and Jihoon watching a movie together.

I said, "Woah, bestie! You didn't even tell me you came?"
"I came to take you to where you're going-"
"That's so sweet, are you the same-"
"Shut up idiot, are you ready?"
"Yes, you are the same one. Actually, I'll be going alone, Jeongwoo said it's better to go alone"
He looked at Hyunsuk who was nodding with his eyes closed.

I sighed and went out, Yedam came running towards me, "where are you going?"
Not the best time to talk to you.

"To meet a friend. What's wrong?"
"Oh nothing, I just wanted to start a talk"
"What are you doing outside?"
"Going for football practice"
"Oh, okay, play well!" I started running away.

Whoops, that was close. I put my sunglasses on and entered the cafe, Haruto was sitting alone, I went towards him.
"Who are you?"
"It's me, Sasha! Now give me your number, and keep in contact, I'm gonna sit at the seat behind"
"You look cool!"
"That's what I am doing"

I sighed and sat behind. Rebecca entered and sat in front of Haruto. He said, "why are you with Yedam, Rebecca, don't you regret what he did to you?"
"What did he do to me?"
"Things you told me a year ago"
"What? What did I tell you Haruto? Weren't you the one who seduced me to be your girlfriend?"

I clenched my fist. Haruto got up in anger, I coughed, he tried to calm down and sat down again.
"Rebecca, what are you doing?"
"Do you want me back?"
"No, I just want to know your intentions and why you have been playing with us for so much time?"
"For fame, duh"
"Bang Yedam is a big name Haruto, you know the amount of Instagram followers he got me?"
"Why did you break up with him then?"
"To have a taste of you"
"What's the point of getting back with him then?"
"Because I didn't like the taste"

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