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Jihoon got me home

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Jihoon got me home. I sent the recording to Jeongwoo. It was dark already, Jihoon went home.

I went to my room after dinner, there was a knock at my door. "Come in"

"You? Who allowed-"
"Are you mad again?"
"Not really, but please go Yedam"
"Sure, I'll give you time"
"Are you okay?"
"Did you cry?"

After he went out, I texted him the recording. I was crying remembering Rebecca's words. She wasn't wrong. I was a Heather indeed, but what hurts more is he still loves her, it shouldn't matter to me.

I kept crying and crying. The slap was printed on my right cheek, it was so embarrassing. I wish, I never got into all this. I wish dad never left and we didn't have to transfer, I wish I never met him.

Suddenly my window opened, it was Yedam. I wiped my tears. He got inside, I got up from bed and approached him, he suddenly hugged me.

I was breathing heavily, not because of anger this time, I tried to get out of his hands, but he was too strong to beat. "Yedam, leave me"
"I'm sorry"
"Okay, leave me"
"What okay?"
"Just leave me, Bang Yedam!"

He left me to see me crying. He was shocked as he saw my cheek. He cleaned my tears as I stared at him.

"You guys are being played! She played everyone! I am even worse than her, I played with feelings-"
I was made quiet. Not because of my wish, but with the help of a kiss. What in-

I didn't push him, I just closed my eyes. My heart felt at rest.

I pulled away staring at him. "Why did you-"
"I just, I'm sorry"
I started hitting him on the chest, crying. He pulled me in a hug.
"I'm sorry sash, just forget everything."
"How could I-" I pulled away.

"Thank you for letting me know the truth, for getting involved. For clearing things for me and my friends. Thank you so much Sasha."

"You love her though-"

"The Rebecca I loved, never existed, she was fake, I was in love with a Rebecca which existed only in my imagination"

"Glad you realized"

"About the kiss-"

"I don't know. I've had my first kiss with-"

"I understand, I'm sorry I didn't ask you before kissing you, because that's what I felt like doing"

"You're so wrong for this"

"I'm sorry"

"I'm happy for you, I wish you would make up with Haruto soon"

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