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ELIZABETH WAS in the livingroom of the Mikaelsons with Klaus and Kol. Suddenly Rebekah walked in, still in her dress from last night.

"Well, well, well. There's our girl!" Kol spoke while standing up blocking Rebekah's way each step she took.

"Get out of my way, Kol."

"Out all night, what a scandal!"

Rebekah tried walking away again, but Kol blocked her once again for her to just stop and listen to him.

"I trust u did better than that commoner. Matt, was it?"

"If you don't shut your mouth the next thing to come out of it, will be your teeth."

Elizabeth silently listened from the couch next to Klaus, laughing by their arguments. Klaus had a smile on his face amused with the situation.

"Don't start Nik." Rebekah spoke while pushing away Kol.

"I didn't say anything."

"I'm bored. Our sister is a strumpet, but atleast she's having fun. I need entertainment."

"What are u waiting for? Go on have at it. Elizabeth is sitting here." Klaus spoke knowing Kol had a small crush on Elizabeth.

Elizabeth just glared at Klaus, ever since she was forced to join Klaus and Stefan when he went ripper mode to save Damon. Ever since then Klaus had seen Elizabeth like a second sister, Rebekah had gone quite close with the girl after the ball and Elijah felt the same about Elizabeth as Klaus.

Elizabeth grabbed her water on the table to take a sip, but choked on it when she heard the next words Kol spoke.

"We already had fun last night."

Elizabeth coughed on her water, before she was okay. Rebekah looked at her amused with her reaction.

"It's no fun to go alone. Join me, Nik. It's the least u can do after sticking a dagger in my heart." Kol said.

Klaus looked at him with a glare but gave in anyways.

"Okay, why not?" He spoke while getting up. "I haven't had nearly enough to drink last night, what with you trying to murder Rebekah's date. Come on Liz ur coming too." Klaus spoke.

DAGGER IN YOUR HEART - k.mikaelson ✓Where stories live. Discover now