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AT ST. ANNE'S CHURCH In Elizabeth's and Davina attic room, Josh is groaning in pain and pinching the bridge of his nose as though he has a headache. Elizabeth returns to the room to check on him, Davina isn't home.

"Well, you still don't look so good."

"Ugh, this is worse than the Halloween Hangover of 2011." Elizabeth giggles, and Josh sighs.

"I went after Aiden, didn't I?"

Elizabeth's smile falls slightly, and she kneels in front of him to look him in the eyes.

"You know, he was up all day, all night with you until Marcel called and said that the spell was broken."

Josh nods. "You guys totally saved my ass." Making Elizabeth smile.

Suddenly, Kol walks into the room, and Elizabeth rolls her eyes playfully.

"Yeah, well, don't mention it!" He tosses Josh a blood bag.

"There you go, here's a little go-juice. So, you should be, well..." He gestures toward the door. "...going."

Elizabeth giggles and gives Josh a hug before he leaves.


Once Josh has left, Kol walks into the bedroom toward Elizabeth, and she crosses her arms in mock annoyance.

"So, where were you yesterday?"

"Well, you know, being a hero, saving the day, the usual!"

"Ah. And you didn't think I could help?"

"Well, you were with your mate!"

"You couldn't have called me? It takes ten seconds."

Kol gasps mockingly. "Oh-ho, this is a right proper spat we're having? It's almost as if we're, uh... oh, what is that phrase? "Going steady?""

Elizabeth rolls her eyes. "You wish!"

"Ah, maybe! Maybe I could make it up to you? By, uh, well... finishing a mystical dagger? What do you say?"

Freya has just entered the room, where she finds two bodies in black body bags laying on the autopsy tables. She walks toward the nearest one and unzips the bag to find Finn's body, which is badly burnt on one side. She lays her hand on his chest.

Elizabeth and Kol are in Kol's playhouse, preparing to do the Kemiya spell to turn the silver dagger into gold so it can be used against Klaus. Kol lights a bunsen burner as Elizabeth sets up the ingredients.

"Are you ready?"

"I don't know. Never done this before, remember?"

"I've never actually completed the spell itself, but, then, I've never had an accomplice as powerful as you."

DAGGER IN YOUR HEART - k.mikaelson ✓Where stories live. Discover now