
High school halls are always crowded, no matter what time of day. In the morning they have people talking with friends and heading to class, in between classes is the busiest because people are all switching classes. At lunch, they have people looking for somewhere to eat or looking for a friend to mooch off of. Even at the end of the day, it's hard to get out of the school without hitting or bumping into someone.

Today I'm trying to get out quickly as I can because I have to get home to babysit my sister. She gets home early from school and I do not need her sitting outside for an hour, waiting for me to unlock the door.

Sliding through the gaps in the hall, I made my way closer to the exit. I was about to reach the door when someone bumped right into me and I fell over. People giggled and chuckled at me as they passed by, none stopping to ask if I was ok.

I stood up and angrily said, "Watch where you're going, pal."

There standing in front of me is a sweet and short girl. Her wide hazel eyes watching me get up and pick up my bag. Her hair flowing down her shoulders moved as she looked around at people passing by.

She waved her hand in front of my face, almost hitting me in the process.

"What are you doing?"

"You can see me?"

"Ok, course I can. I'm not blind!"

"So you can see ghosts!"

What was this girl talking about? Seeing ghosts and how did this topic even come into play?

"Are you high? Cause I won't tell if you are."

She violently shook her head and looked around at people again. Is this girl ok, she must have hit her head really hard. No one acts like this unless they are high or they have hit their head real hard and are starting to go crazy.

"Well, good luck with whatever's wrong with you. Gotta go."

"No, you can't. Just listen. I'm a ghost and you can see me, but no one else can."


"Maybe you can help me."


I rushed to my car, hoping my sister hasn't been home alone for too long and that the girl won't be following me.

She is convinced she's a ghost and that I can see her, but no one else can. Maybe this is a prank that my ex is pulling on me. We didn't end on good terms. I caught her cheating on me with the assistant coach for the baseball team. I broke it off immediately, which I hated but I also didn't want to be in that kind of relationship anymore.

I had the radio silently playing as I pulled out of the parking lot and drove home. 

Even though that girl was acting crazy, she does look kinda cute. The way her hair flowed as she moved and when she looked at me, her eyes stared into mine. But she thinks she's a ghost. I can't have feelings for someone who believes in something like that.

I pulled into the driveway, parked the car and dashed to the front door. There on the steps was my sister, reading a book, patiently waiting for me.

"I am so sorry. I would have been home sooner, but, well, I got caught up in something."

She looked flipped onto the next page, placed her bookmark in and smiled at me. Her one blue and brown eyes looking at me with so much happiness.

"No worries. I was occupied with my book."

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