*Warning: there is violence in this chapter. If it bothers you in any way, do not read it. I do not want any of you lovely people getting upset because of it. I will inform you what happened at the end of the chapter in case any of you did skip it.*


It was the weekend again, so I was excited to go outside. I was making my way down the stairs when my father stopped me and called me to the living room. He was relaxing on the lounge chair with a large beer in his hand and 5 empty ones laying on the table beside him.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm just going outside. I finished my homework and cleaned my room."

He chugged back the beer, gave a loud burp and tossed the empty can at me. It hit my head and I quietly swore under my breath.

"Clean those up and get me more from the fridge. Before you go tell your brother we're going out later."

"Yes sir."

I quickly picked up the cans and tossed them in the recycling. In the fridge, there was one more case of beers all the way at the back. I brought them over to my father and headed down the hall to my brother's room.

I knocked and heard some shouting.

"What is it?!"

"Dad says you and him are going out later so be ready."

I heard some crashing and I took a step back as he opened the door. He stared at me before walking past me and to the living room.

After finally getting outside, I saw Sebastian walking towards the door. I quickly ran to him and tried to push him away from the house.

"What are you doing here? You shouldn't be here!"

"This is where you live. I want to see your father and tell him what horrible man he is."

Seb tried walking past me, but I pushed him further away. The more I pushed, the more he wanted to see my father. Then I heard the door open.

"Who's that!"

"Sebastian run, get out of here."


My father's face turned red. I swear I could see steam coming out of his ears and nose. He stormed back into the house and came out with a large kitchen knife in his hand.

I tried pulling Sebastian away from the house, but he didn't move. He's going to die if he stays any longer.

"Please, you need to go."

He scoffed, "Go? I can't leave you in this house anymore. You don't deserve any of this."

Tears fell down my face as my father got closer to us. 

"What did you say to me boy?"

"I said that your a rotten, no-good father. You hit your only daughter, she should be treated be like a queen."

My father lunged the knife into Sebastian's chest. More tears came flooding down my face. I picked him up and ran. I didn't care if when I got home I would be punished, I just needed to take him away from my father.

The only place I could get far enough was the treehouse. I pulled Sebastian onto the platform and we moved up. I held him close as I placed him onto the bench we made together. 

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