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"I read the file you asked me to Detective Underscore", Ranboo said calmly, holding the tablet in his gloved hands.

"It's Tubbo", he corrected him, "and good work, Tommy just needs to finish up his paperwork then we can go".

Tommy groaned, "who knew being a kid prodigy would mean so much paperwork?" He sighed as he scribbled furiously on the paper.

"You are a prodigy?" Ranboo asked, cocking his head slightly to the side.

Tubbo smiled, "yup! Tommy and I are the youngest detectives in the whole city". He fidgeted with his tie, "though I guess the other detectives don't trust us enough to let us work...unsupervised".

Ranboo's LED turned yellow for a moment as he processed Tubbo's words. "I see", he said simply.

Tommy scoffed, "whatever". He handed Ranboo the paperwork. "Go give that to detective Sapnap", he said, pointing over to the mans desk.

"Yes detective Innit", he complied, and began walking towards the man. "Detective Innit asked me to bring you this, sir".

Sapnap looked up from his computer. "You their new assistant?" He spoke, "finally somebody to watch those kids". He took the paper. "Bunch of 17 year olds can't be trusted to solve literal murders", he shook his head, "you'll do, even if you're just one of those plastic pricks".

(Is that really all he is?) Ranboo's LED flashed yellow again, not that Sapnap noticed, or perhaps he just didn't care.

Software instability ^^^^^

Sapnap frowned, "that'll be all", he said, "Innit is looking pissed off, I suggest you hurry".

"Yes sir", Ranboo said politely, before turning on his heel, and returning to his superiors.

"Took you long enough, dickhead", Tommy said, "come on, a crime scene waits for no man!..or uh android"

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