Crime scene

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The duo walked into the run down house, followed closely by the android. The hallway was covered in bloody footprints and puddles of thirium.

"The fuck happened in here?" Tommy gaped. Leading the group into the living room, which is where they found the body.

"What's the situation Karl?" Tubbo asked the forensic investigator, who was kneeling down next to the victim, writing something on a clipboard.

"This is David Thomson, and he is 44", Karl explained, "he lived alone, aside from his android Crumb". Everyone ignored Tommy's snort at the android's name.

"Fatal wound seems to be from a knife, right into his chest" Karl stated, "though we're not sure where the knife is, we just got here".

Tommy nodded. "so where's the android then?" he asked.

Karl shrugged, "don't know, we literally just arrived before you, so nobody has investigated really".

"Let's get to work then", Tubbo smiled, and patted Tommy's back.

Before they left Karl added, "oh just a word of warning, the android is a teenage model". Tommy frowned, "freaky...thanks Karl".

Tubbo looked over to Ranboo and noticed that his LED was yellow. "Is something wrong Ranboo?" Even Tommy seemed curious.

"There is thirium on the victims hands", he pointed out.

Tommy nodded, "blue blood definitely suggests that it was the droid, perhaps Mr Thomson fought back and damaged it".

"Or the other way around", Ranboo muttered, though only Tubbo seemed to hear him. He tensed up as soon as he noticed what he said. Tubbo just shrugged it off, must have been a malfunction.

Software Instability ^^^^^^^

"Let's take a look then", Tubbo smiled, "the deviant has got to be here somewhere".

"Yeah leave us alone Ranboo", Tommy said, rolling his eyes, pulling Tubbo along by his wrist.

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