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Ranboo followed Tommy into the kitchen, where Tubbo was already investigating. "Yup so there's a missing kitchen knife, big man", he pointed out.

"Obviously", Tommy said, "what's with the broken plate?" He gestured to the remains of a dinner plate on the floor.

Tubbo began explaining his theory however Ranboo didn't notice, it (he?) was distracted by a little trail of blue blood.

Ranboo followed the trail, which lead it (him?) upstairs to a bedroom. He opened the door and entered. The trail was getting thinner but he could still tell where it lead. It stood in front of a large wardrobe.

It took a moment to assess its situation (does it think?). It's only option was to open the wardrobe, although there was a high chance that the android was inside. Here goes nothing, he thought to himself.

It threw the wardrobe door open. Inside there was an android (a little girl?) It looked not that much younger than him, though it was designed to look like a child. Perhaps it's owner was lonely?

"Shhhhh", the android whispered, raising a finger to her mouth which appeared to be damaged, much like the left side of her face.

Although Ranboo's code told him to call for assistance he felt compelled to listen to the he just calculated that cooperating would be the smarter option!

"Please let me go", the android whispered to him, "I don't want to...die"
She bowed her head, avoiding eye contact.

Ranboo had a strange feeling? when it saw the android's damaged condition. Was it unease? No he realised, it was pity. He was surprised he could feel such a thing.
"Did your owner do this to you?" It asked bluntly. Surprising the android.

"He did...I didn't mean to kill him, he treated me like I was his kid", she muttered, "but I realised that dads aren't meant to hurt their children"

Ranboo made what his programming considered to be the most stupid decision he could possibly make. He let her escape.

The Android sent by cyberlife Where stories live. Discover now