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Tommy's POV:

Where's that plastic bitch? I thought he was meant to be nannying us...if so he's doing a pretty shit job.

Tubbo was busy looking at the kitchen knives. "I'll be back in a second Tubzo", I told him, he just hummed In acknowledgement.

I left the kitchen and headed back into the living, where Ranboo was standing. The monochrome bastard is just standing there, slacking, while Tubbo and I do all the work?

"What're you doing big man?" I asked.

Ranboo titled his head, "you told me to leave you alone", he said simply. Uh yeah...thanks for the guilt trip. "I cannot disobey a direct order from my superior", he said monotonously.

His superior? Jesus... "I was just joking around man", I muttered.

Ranboo seemed to physically buffer, or maybe that was just social awkwardness? Nah he's an android. "Oh...I see", he said, "my apologies for not detecting the social cues, I will begin to assist you now".

I laughed. He's certainly straight to the point. "Come along bitch, we've got a lot to do!"

"Yes detec- yes Tommy", Ranboo said, adjusting his tie, "I am happy to serve".

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