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Tubbo's PoV:

"I found the knife!" He called out victoriously, pointing at the rubbish bin.

"Seriously? The bin?" Tommy scoffed, "man, this android is not original". He grimaced as he stuck his gloved hands into the bin, grabbing the knife, then placing it in a sealable bag.

"Don't be so mean Tommy!" Tubbo pouted, "it probably panicked". He held back a giggle at Tommy's expression.

"It literally murdered someone and you're on its side?" Tommy gasped.

"Out of the two of you it was the better option", Tubbo jested.

"Noooooo!" Tommy cried out, "my honour!" Tubbo laughed at his pain.

"Defend me Ranboo!" Tommy yelped. He looked around when he realised the lack of a response. "Where'd he fuck off to now?"

Just as Tommy eloquently asked that question, the android walked into the room. 'Speak of the devil and he shall appear' He had a funny look on his face, an expression that Tubbo hasn't seen him make before.

"Hello detectives, I believe I have found the android's escape exit" Ranboo said, his LED was yellow. If Ranboo was human, Tubbo would think he seemed...distressed?

"Fuck", Tommy yelped, walking back to the living room "Karl! Let Detective Sapnap know our Perp escaped the scene"

Tubbo turned back to the tense android. "Well lead the way then Mr.Boo", he said cautiously.

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