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Ranboo ended up following closely behind the detectives, despite Tubbo's instructions for him to lead and his insistence that Ranboo walks next to them. It just wouldn't be appropriate. He must remember that he is just a machine.
He is beneath them. (Who betrayed their trust)

"Hurry up Ranboo!" Tommy groaned, rolling his eyes. Although he seemed to dislike Ranboo, Tommy grabbed his arm and pulled him next to the two boys. "So the deviant went upstairs", Tommy pondered, "how could it escape then?"

"I'll show you", Ranboo said stoically despite his stress levels being at 60%. He hoped they didn't notice his presumably yellow LED.
Ranboo led the young detectives to what seemed to be a young person's bedroom. The name 'Crumb' was written in rainbow foam letters on the door.

" kinda looks like the victim treated the android like his kid", Tommy mumbled.

"Some people do that!", Tubbo agreed, "usually people coping with loss".

Ranboo stayed by the door as the boys 'investigated' her bedroom (they were being nosy).

"Tommy look at this plushy", Tubbo grinned, "seems like our deviant is cat enjoyer".

Even Ranboo, as an android thought that Tubbo's phrasing was odd.

Tommy opened her wardrobe. "Why does it just have the same yellow jumper like six times?" Tommy snorted.

"You cannot criticise anyones fashion sense", Tubbo laughed.

"I'm a fashion icon!" Tommy gasped.

"You literally wear the same red and white baseball top all the time", Tubbo pointed out.

"It's a good top!" Tommy exclaimed.

Ranboo stepped forwards, "I don't see how snooping is helping our investigation, detectives", he said, the corners of his lips twitching in amusement.

"Maybe the deviant was in the wardrobe!" Tommy said defensively.

"I believe I informed you already that the deviant fled the scene", Ranboo said.

"I think he's making fun of you", Tubbo whispered to Tommy, grinning as Tommy let out a squawk of offence. "So where did it go, Mr.Boo?" He asked.

Ranboo walked stiffly over to the window and lifted a bit of the makeshift rope. "Crumb must have tied her bedsheets together and climbed out this window", explained.

"Oh. That's really obvious", Tommy stated.

"To be fair, we were preoccupied!" Tubbo laughed.

The duo approached Ranboo to see the escape route.

Tommy leaned on the windowsill trying to get a better look. He smiled momentarily at the rope being made out of hello kitty bedsheets. He grinned and asked, "Are we going after it or what?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2022 ⏰

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