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Ranboo walked over to the bedroom window and opened it. "If you climb out of here I'm sure you'll have a bigger chance of escaping!" It exclaimed.

"What?" Crumb said, "you think I didn't consider that?" She frowned, at least ranboo thought she was frowning. It was hard to tell with a big chunk off her face missing, exposing wires. "The drop is way too big!" She sighed.

Ranboo thought for a moment then walked over to a chest of drawers. He rummaged through them until he found what he was looking for. Bedsheets. "These could work!" He grinned proudly. He began tying the sheets together in a make shift rope. "Give me a hand will you?" He asked.

Crumb giggled. "Alright detective man I'll try your crazy idea", she said as she started working on her end. "This is just like in the movies, y'know?" She laughed.

"Movies..?" Ranboo frowned, "I have never watched one before", he confessed. "I don't see the purpose of watching them", he explained when he saw her confused(?)  expression.

Crumb thought for a moment. "Because it's fun!" She finally said, "not everything you do has to serve a purpose, it can just be something you enjoy".

Ranboo had never done something just for the sake of it. He just does as he is ordered...well if you don't count today.

"I guess the one good thing about my father pretending I was human was that I actually got to be a person...for a while", she said wistfully.

Ranboo didn't like the change of atmosphere. Luckily he had the perfect conversation changer. "I have finished my end of the rope!" He declared.

Crumb also seemed to have finished her's, so she handed it to him. Ranboo tied both ends together. Then proceeded to tightly tie the makeshift rope to a bedpost. "You should be safe to go", he nodded.

Crumb smiled then surprised him by wrapping her arms around him. It was a hug. Nobody had ever done that to him before! It was...nice. He had a warm feeling in his chest, and he wasn't even overheating.

She waved then carefully climbed out of the window and sneakily descended. When she reached the bottom she waved one last time before running off into the surrounding woods.


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