Ch. 28 The End

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Hey guys!! :) I know that you all are probably freaking out at the name of the chapter... Sorry. I thought I was gonna give it a bit more, but it just seemed like the end. Maybe I'll make an epilogue, maybe not. I really don't know. Thank you all so much for sticking with me and reading, voting, and commenting. This story was really a big part of my life. I'm gonna miss these characters, but it's time to go. They get to live their own lives, now. Thanks to everyone who supported me in writing this story! 

Hermione’s POV

Summer passed in a flash. It was spent happily, walking along the lakeside, visiting friends and parents, and awaiting the EXAM results. I shuddered even thinking about it, though I knew I almost definitely aced every single one. Finally, the awaited day arrived. Two school owls flew in with letters attached to their legs. With a deep, nervous breath I opened my letter.

Mrs. Granger,

I must congratulate you once again on your outstanding scores once more. It has truly been a pleasure and an honor working with you. As you know, the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher will not be returning, as the incident with Mr. Malfoy has shaken him up a bit. Also, I am retiring. Or at least, just to become Headmistress. Anyway, I know you had not made any decisions about jobs, and if you so desire, I would be greatly honored to accept you and Mr. Malfoy back as Professors.


Minerva McGonagall ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Transfiguration-114%

Charms-119% Herbology-108%


Defense Against the Dark Arts-127%

History of Magic-117%



My jaw dropped. “DRACO!”

He appeared from around a corner. "What?" I handed him the letter. Quickly, his eyes scanned over it. His eyes widened.

"Oh my god." "Yeah."

"I mean... Does McGonagall really want a couple of teenagers who just graduated to teach?" Draco asked, obviously shocked.


"Well... It doesn't sound so bad, I guess. But that's big."

"I think you sort of have to." I said. "After all, you did give the DADA teacher a nervous breakdown."

"That wasn't my fault!" he protested. "And I still don't know why my wand broke. Glad I got it fixed. So many memories."

"Yeah. Well, what did you get on your exams?" 

"Between 102% and 117% on everything."

I grinned. "That's wonderful!"

"Yeah, but... Wow." 

"Well, we should figure out what we're going to do. I mean, I didn't really have a job in mind, and I sort of need one. What about you?"

"I was thinking the Ministry, but I highly doubt they'll accept me because of what I've done."

"That wasn't your fault!" I argued. 

"Doesn't matter who's fault it was, I still did it. Besides, teaching doesn't sound so bad."

"No, it doesn't." I agreed. "So should I write her back saying we'd be glad to take the job?"

"I think you should."

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