Ch. 10 Explosions

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Hermione’s POV

“I love you.” Draco whispered, kissing me on the forehead.

“I love you too.” I replied tiredly. Part of me was elated at the confession, but I felt weak-like the simplest thing could break me. All of my muscles hurt from the writhing and spasming in pain. I winced slightly, remembering the agony. I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep.

Hermione’s Dream

We were running, Draco and I, away from something. I didn’t know what, when, or why, but I knew it was important. I stumbled and fell. I heard an agonized scream. “Hermione!”

I awoke, panting. I hated dreams, because the only ones I remembered were the bad ones. It felt like only seconds from when I had fallen asleep, but it must have been longer, seeing as Draco was unconscious, sitting in the uncomfortable chair. He had dark circles underneath his eyes, like he hadn’t slept in awhile. He was probably up half the night. I sighed. If it was the middle of the night, I might as well try to fall asleep, too. I closed my eyes, but I couldn’t fall asleep. Eventually, my tired mind slipped into unconsciousness.

Draco’s POV

When I awoke from my not very restful slumber, I immediately glanced down at Hermione. At the moment, she was sleeping peacefully. My face pulled up into a smile. She opened her eyes and smiled up at me. “Morning.” She yawned.

“Morning, love.” I replied. She carefully sat up-it was obvious that she was sore-and kissed me gently on the cheek. “Madam Pomfrey said you’re free to go once you drink this.” I said, handing her a small vial. She gulped it down. “Oh, and Parkinson’s trial is this afternoon. They want this over as soon as possible.” She nodded. I helped her up, and we walked out of the Hospital Wing hand in hand. When we approached the Great Hall, I didn’t let her hand go. I was determined to show any other… Admirers that I was taken. And to show anyone else who was thinking about making a move on Hermione.

We walked into the Hall hand in hand, much to the surprise of just about everyone. There were several screams, groans, and random noise. Unfortunately, we were still in different houses. I reluctantly let her hand go and walked off to my table. The first thing I heard was “Oh my god! You’re dating Granger?!” “Yes.” I replied curtly. I spent the next hour being questioned by everyone. Eventually, I managed to escape. I went to our common room and sat down. Hermione came in moments after. “That was...” She started.

“Incredibly irritating?” I offered.

She smiled. “Yes. Everyone was like, Oh my god! You’re dating that prat Malfoy?! It was really annoying.” I nodded in agreement, enveloping her in a hug.

“I'm glad you're alright.” I whispered.

Sorry, I know it's short. Oh, and if I was to get a wand, should I get Voldy’s wand, or Draco’s?

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