Ch. 5 The letter

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 Edits: something about my computer writing in Chinese, also I slowed down the relationship. 

Draco’s POV

I awake to the wonderful sensation of someone rubbing my back. I was confused for a moment, until I remembered what happened last night. Was I on the couch? “Morning!” I said, in a sleepy voice.

“Morning.” Hermione said. "Thought this might be the best way to wake you up, given that you fell asleep on a couch. Do you want the shower, or can I go first?”  

“You can have it.” I yawned.

“Thanks!” She said, jumping up to give me a quick kiss on the check.

“No problem.” I replied. God, I really really was starting to like that Gryffindor. As soon as she was gone, I thought about what had happened last night. If my father found out, 'Mione would be in danger, but I didn’t think I could live with a clean conscious if she was gone. God, that sounded terrible. I mean, i really liked her, but we seriously only had anything even remotely similar to relationship for like, twelve hours. I sighed in frustration. Why was life so complicated? I decided to write to my mother. I knew she would understand. I grabbed my quill and a piece of parchment.

Dear Mother,

I’m very sorry I haven’t written in a while, but I’ve been… Preoccupied. I wanted tell you a few things. I may be in a relationship with a girl father would NOT approve of, but I really like her. I just don’t want her to be in danger. What should I do? Apart from that, school is going fine. How are you?



I sighed deeply and folded the letter in half. I found my eagle owl, Thoron, and tied it to his leg. He hooted at me, and then jumped into the air; the majesty of that bird always surprised me. After that, I decided to catch up on sleep for a half an hour. Why not, right?

Hermione’s POV

I stepped out of the shower, feeling clean and all around good. I was sure today would be perfect, because it had started nicely. I dried my hair with a quick spell and put on my clean robes.  With a grin on my face, I went to find Draco. I walked to the couch and burst out laughing. Crookshanks was asleep on his chest. “Draco, it’s time to wake up!” I said as I picked up my cat.

“Ug... What time is it?” He asked tiredly. “It’s around seven thirty, and the showers all yours.”

“Thanks. Wait, is this… cat hair?!”

“Yeah. My cat fell asleep on you.” 

“I hate cat hair.” He muttered as he slowly got up and stretched.

“Alright.” I said. “I’ll wait for you in the common room.”

 He smiled at me. "Great.”

I smiled back. I ended up finishing all of the next few days' charms homework. Draco took extraordinarily long showers! When he finally came out, he was looking entirely too attractive. And I was now allowed to think that, because he had seriously spent a half hour making out with me last night. “Morning.”

“Morning, Mione. Shall we go to breakfast?"

“Indeed we shall, Draco.” I replied with a grin.

“Before we go, though, I understand if you don’t want our ... whatever this is, to be known.”

"Yeah, we might want to wait on that."

"I agree." he said.

Anyway, when I got to my table, Ginny asked what the letter last night was about. “I’ll tell you this afternoon, I can’t tell you right know.” I said with a knowing smile. She glared at me. I just smiled angelically back.

“Oy, Hermione! Pass the ketchup!” Seamus yelled. How anyone could put ketchup on every one of their meals I didn't know, but Seamus did it.

“Here, Seamus.” I said, handing the bottle of ketchup to him. He smiled warmly. I really loved Seamus, in a brotherly sort of way. That’s when Ginny butted in.

“Today I have the same free period as you, so you WILL tell me what this “news” is.”

“Awesome!” I grinned. “Same place!”

Ginny looked at me like I was crazy. “Mails here!” I heard a third year exclaim.  The school barn owl that I had borrowed dropped a letter into my lap. The first said

Dear Mione,

Auror training is going fine. But what are you hinting at? Don’t worry, though. I don’t mind. They’re your friends, not mine. Become friends with whoever you want, because we aren’t there to keep you entertained. Oh, and Ron accidently blew up a lab, so he is cleaning that, and he told me to tell you HI! And that he’d write later. I would be careful of what you say; he’s still very protective of his friends. Especially you.

Love Harry

Harry was the greatest. I was so blessed to have befriended such a wonderful person.  To be honest, I didn't think my life could get any better.

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